Pyton代写 | CS589: Machine Learning – Spring 2020 Homework 3: Kernels
CS589: Machine Learning – Spring 2020
Homework 3: Kernels
Assigned: March 27th, 2020 Due: 5:00 pm, Apr 10th, 2020
In this homework you will experiment with kernel methods for regression and classification problems using
kernel ridge regression and support vector machine (SVM).
Getting Started: In this assignment, you will train and evaluate different kernels for both classification and
regression on three datasets. Please install Python 3.7 via Anaconda on your personal machine. For this
homework you will only be using numpy, scipy, sklearn and matplotlib packages. Download the homework
file (available on Moodle). Unzipping this folder will create the directory structure shown below,
— HW03.pdf
— Data
— Submission
The data files for each data set are in ‘Data’ directory respectively. You will write your code under the Submission/Code directory. Make sure to put the deliverables (explained below) into the respective directories.
Deliverables:This assignment has three types of deliverables: a report, code files, and Kaggle submissions.
• Report: The solution report will give your answers to the homework questions (listed below). Try
to keep the maximum length of the report to 6 pages, including all figures and tables. Reports longer
than six pages will only be graded up until the first six pages. You can use any software to create your
report, but your report must be submitted in PDF format.
• Code: The second deliverable is the code that you wrote to answer the questions, which will involve
implementing a regression models. Your code must be Python 3.7 (no iPython notebooks or other
formats). You may create any additional source files to structure your code.
• Kaggle Submissions: We will use Kaggle, a machine learning competition service, to evaluate
the performance of your models. You will need to register on Kaggle using a email
address to submit to Kaggle (you can use any user name you like). You will generate test prediction
files, save them in Kaggle format (helper code provided called Code/ and upload them
to Kaggle for scoring.
Submitting Deliverables: When you complete the assignment, you will upload your report and your code
using the service. Here are the steps:
1. Place your final code in Submission/Code, and the Kaggle prediction files for your best-performing
submission only for each data set in Submission/Predictions//best.csv
2. Create a zip file of your submission directory, (No rar, tar or other formats).
3. Upload this single zip file on Gradescope as your solution to the HW03-Kernel-Programming
assignment. Gradescope will run checks to determine if your submission contains the required files
in the correct locations.
4. Upload your pdf report to the HW03-Kernel-Report assignment. When you upload your report
please make sure to select the correct pages for each question respectively. Failure to select the correct
pages will result in point deductions.
5. The submission time for your assignment is considered to be the latest of the submission timestamps
of your code, report and Kaggle submissions.
Academic Honesty Policy: You are required to list the names of anyone you discuss problems with on the
first page of your solutions. This includes teaching assistants or instructors. Copying any solution materials
from external sources (books, web pages, etc.) or other students is considered cheating. To emphasize: no
detectable copying is acceptable, even, e.g., copying a single sentence from an outside source. Sharing your
code or solutions with other students is also considered cheating. Any detected cheating will result in a
grade of -100% on the assignment for all students involved (negative credit), and potentially a grade of F in
the course.
Data: You will work with three datasets,
• Synthetic: Use this dataset to check equivalence between basis expansion and the use of kernels
in regression settings. You are provided four files: data_train.txt, label_train.txt,
data_test.txt and label_test.txt.
• Housing: This dataset has 12 attributes and one output, all real numbers. The attributes correspond to
different features of a house, and the output measures the price of the house. You are provided three
files: train_x.npy, train_y.npy and test_x.npy.
• Corona: This dataset has 24 attributes and a binary output. We treat this as a classification problem.
The attributes are different measurements of characteristics of a patient, which are useful in predicting whether the virus affects the patient adversely. You are provided three files: train_x.npy,
train_y.npy and test_x.npy.
Code to load datasets is provided in Below is a summary of the datasets, allowed python functions per dataset and performance metric to report in your HW03 pdf report which matches with Kaggle’s
performance reporting.
Dataset Python functions Use Metric
Synthetic sklearn.kernel_ridge.* Not allowed Mean squared error
Inbuilt Basis expansions Not allowed (regression)
sklearn.linear_model.Ridge Allowed
Housing sklearn.kernel_ridge.* Allowed Mean squared error
sklearn.model_selection.* Allowed (regression)
Corona sklearn.svm.* Allowed Accuracy
sklearn.model_selection.* Allowed (classification)
1. Kernel Ridge Regression: This is a kernel regression method. Let (x
(1), y(1)), · · · ,(x
, y(N)
) be
the set of inputs, the problem consists on finding the w that minimizes
· w − y
2 + λkwk
, (1)
where the first term corresponds to the squared loss in the estimation and the second is a regularization
term. As seen during the lectures, one can apply a transformation to the samples (which increases their
dimensionality) and perform the linear regression in this new higher dimensional space, which will
correspond to a non-linear regression in the original space. An extremely important note regarding
this is that, in order to estimate the value corresponding to a new sample x
new, only inner products
like xnew · x
are necessary. Thus, the kernel trick is applicable.
2. SVM: This is a classification method that can assign classes to new samples using only the inner
product between the new samples and the samples in the training data. This allows us to use several
different kernels, which makes SVM an extremely powerful classification method.
1. (0 points) Collaboration statement:
Please list the names of anyone you discussed the assignment with, including TAs or instructors.
2. (70 points) Kernel Ridge Regression: For parts a,b and c, assume that x
, φ(x
) are column vectors
(11) a. We begin with regular ridge regression. The goal is to find w that minimizes
(w · x
(n) − y
2 + λkwk
. (2)
Show that the optimal w is
∗ =
(n) x
+ λ I−1X
. (3)
(4) b. Now, we consider the case where a basis expansion is used. So, each input x is transformed into
φ(x). The goal is thus to instead minimize
(w · φ(x
) − y
2 + λkwk
. (4)
What now is the optimal w
? Argue why your answer is correct.
(5) c. Once the optimal w
, is found, it would be used to estimate the value of a new point as y
new from its
corresponding input as y
pred = w
· φ(x
However, for this type of regression the kernel trick is applicable. Formally, this means that it is not
necessary to know the transformation φ; having an expression for k(x
(1), x(2)) = φ(x
(1)) · φ(x
(the inner product of two samples in the new space) suffices. Given a new sample x
new, derive an
expression for the predicted value y
pred that depends only on inner products between samples.
(30) d. In this exercise you will perform Kernel Ridge Regression using the synthetic dataset with inputs
(n) ∈ R and outputs y
(n) ∈ R. The training data is in data_train.txt, label_train.txt,
and the testing data is in data_test.txt, label_test.txt. The training data is shown in
Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Data
For this question, we would like you to implement your own handwritten kernel ridge regression and basis expansions. However, you are allowed to sklearn’s implementation of ridge regression. (linear ridge regression, not kernel ridge regression.) Again, you are not allowed to use
sklearn.kernel_ridge.KernelRidge or any of its variants in this problem.
We would like you to compare the performance of the two approaches on the synthetic dataset to
better understand kernel methods. As mentioned in the class, the implementation using a kernel
(1), x(2)) = φ(x
(1)) · φ(x
(2)) should return the same results as the implementation using the basis
expansion Φ followed by ridge regression. You will use the following parameters for KRRS/BERRs
(with λ = 0.1):
Polynomial order i: (for i ∈ {1, 2, 4, 6})
1. Kernel ridge regression scratch (KRRS):
(1), x(2)) = (1 + x
· x
2. Basis expansion + ridge regression (BERR):
Φ(x) =
w0 1, w1 x
, w2 x
, …, wi x
, wk =
Trigonometric order i: (for i ∈ {3, 5, 10} and δ = 0.5)
1. Kernel ridge regression scratch (KRRS):
(1), x(2)) = 1 +X
(sin(k δ x(1)) sin(k δ x(2)) + cos(k δ x(1)) · cos(k δ x(2))) (7)
2. Basis expansion + ridge regression (BERR):
Φ(x) = [1,sin(δ x), cos(δ x),sin(2δ x), cos(2δ x), …,sin(i δ x), cos(i δ x)] (8)
1. Train your models using the train data and predict the outputs for the test data. Visually inspect
the quality of predictions by plotting the predicted test labels on top of the original test labels as
a function of test data. Make these plots corresponding to polynomial kernels of degree 2 and
6, and trigonometric kernels of degree 5 and 10 only. A sample plot is provided in Figure 2.
In each plot include the test samples as blue ‘*’ and plot the predictions made on the test set as
red circles. Make sure to label the axis, and include a title for each graph with implementation,
kernel, degree and lambda used. Arrange your plots as a 4 × 2 grid (i.e. four rows and 2 columns;
see matplotlib.pyplot.subplot) where the four rows correspond to the kernels and the
two columns correspond to the two implementations. Write in at most three sentences what your
observations are about these eight plots.
Figure 2: Test samples are plotted in blue ‘*’ and predicted test labels are plotted in red ‘o’
2. For each of the kernels/basis expansions mentioned above, show the mean squared error over the
test set using a table like the one below (please make the table exactly as shown below to make
grading more efficient),
Kernel k(x
(1), x(2)) Basis Expansion Φ(x)
Polynomial degree 1
Polynomial degree 2
Polynomial degree 4
Polynomial degree 6
Trignometric degree 3
Trignometric degree 5
Trignometric degree 10
where in each empty box you need to write the mean squared error obtained via KRRS or BERR.
(20) e. In this exercise you will perform Kernel Ridge Regression using the housing dataset. For this question you are allowed to (and encouraged) use sklearn’s implementation of Kernel Ridge Regression.
You will train several kernels (radial basis functions, polynomial degree 3, linear) with parameters –
α ∈ {1, 1e − 1, 1e − 2, 1e − 3, 5e − 3} and γ ∈ {1e − 3, 1e − 2, 1e − 1, 1} (you should keep in
mind the γ parameter does not have any effect on linear kernels). For each kernel, pick your choice
of model selection method to estimate the out of sample mean squared error. Report the results in a
table format as shown below (please make the table format exactly as shown below to make grading
more efficient),
RBF Poly. degree 3 Linear
α = 1, γ = 1e − 3
α = 1, γ = 1e − 2 —
α = 1, γ = 1e − 1 —
. . . , . . . —
α = 5e − 3, γ = 1e − 2 —
α = 5e − 3, γ = 1e − 1 —
α = 5e − 3, γ = 1 —
Choose the model with lowest estimated out of sample error, train it using the full training set, make
predictions on the test set, kaggleize your outputs (helper code given in Code/ and
finally upload your predictions to Kaggle. The Kaggle link to this question is
Report back the mean squared error that you obtained on the public leader board as well as your
Kaggle display name so that we can match your results with your rank on the leaderboard. Make sure
to clearly indicate which model provided the best results as well as your choice of model selection
method. Finally, consider the results that you obtained on the train set (via model selection) as well
as your test results. Compare the two and draw some conclusions on your chosen kernel, specific
parameter settings and its relation to the dataset itself.
3. (25 points) SVM:
(25) a. For this question you will use perform classification using a SVM on the corona dataset. For this
question you are allowed to (and encouraged) use sklearn’s implementation of SVM. You will train
an SVM classifier using the kernels shown in the below table, and complete the table using estimates
of the out of sample accuracy (NOT error but classification accuracy) obtained using your choice of
model selection method.
RBF Poly. degree 3 Poly. degree 5 Linear
C = 0.5, γ = 1
C = 0.5, γ = 0.01 —
C = 0.5, γ = 0.001 —
C = 0.05, γ = 1
C = 0.05, γ = 0.01 —
C = 0.05, γ = 0.001 —
C = 0.0005, γ = 1
C = 0.0005, γ = 0.01 —
C = 0.0005, γ = 0.001 —
Again here the γ parameter does not have any effect on linear kernels.
Choose the model with highest estimated out of sample accuracy, train it using the full training set, make
predictions on the test set, kaggleize your outputs (helper code given in Code/ and finally
upload your predictions to Kaggle. The Kaggle link to this question is
Report back the classification accuracy that you obtained on the public leader board as well as your Kaggle
display name so that we can match your results with your rank on the leaderboard. Make sure to clearly
indicate which model provided the best results and your choice of model selection method. Finally, consider
the results that you obtained on the train set (via model selection) as well as your test results. Compare the
two and draw some conclusions on your chosen kernel, specific parameter settings and its relation to the
dataset itself.
Extra Credit: These questions are deliberately open-ended, leaving you more space for creativity. As
a result, you will need to carefully describe exactly what you did for each question. Also, note that
these questions carry small point values. To maximize your score with limited time, you should make
sure the above questions are done thoroughly and ignore these. We will be very stingy in giving credit
for these questions – do them only for the glory, and only at your own risk!
4. (5 points) Extra credit: For the housing dataset perform regression with your choice of kernels (you are
free to even create your own kernels). Experiment with different parameter ranges and/or model selection
methods with a single goal of improving performance on the held out test set. For this extra credit question
the kaggle URL to submit your predictions is
Make sure to clearly describe your approach and list your performance on the public leaderboard. To avoid
any confusion make sure to write the outputs to Predictions/Housing/best_extra_credit.csv. Note that your
grades will be dependent on your ranking in the private leaderboard.
5. (5 points) Extra credit: For the corona dataset perform classification with your choice of kernels.
Experiment with different parameter ranges and/or model selection methods with a single goal of improving
performance on the held out test set. For this extra credit question the kaggle URL to submit your predictions
Make sure to clearly describe your approach and list your performance on the public leaderboard. To avoid
any confusion make sure to write the outputs to Predictions/Corona/best_extra_credit.csv. Note that your
grades will be dependent on your ranking in the private leaderboard.
6. (5 points) Code Quality:
(5) Your code should be sufficiently documented and commented that someone else (in particular, the TAs
and graders) can easily understand what each method is doing. Adherence to a particular Python style
guide is not required, but if you need a refresher on what well-structured Python should look like, see
the Google Python Style Guide:
html. You will be scored on how well documented and structured your code is.