Java代写|CSC 335 – Lab 1: Software Setup


Please follow the instructions in the following order to get things set up for the projects. If you

already have the software (with the correct version) you can skip to the next step.

the JavaFX library for your version instead of version 17.) Other versions of Java are

unsuitable for the course. The following instructions are for Windows and Mac, Linux users

should probably use their distro’s package manager to install (but the link has .rpm and .deb)

1.1 and pick the installer for your OS

2.1 Go to the Eclipse downloads page

2.2 It should have a download button that picks the right version for your system

2.3 Install and run

3.1 In Eclipse, go to Help > Install New Software… >

3.2 Copy into Eclipse, and hit Enter

3.3 When it loads, click the Select All button

3.4 To properly resolve all dependencies, check [x] Contact all update sites during install to find required software

3.5 Click Next, agree to the license terms, and install

3.6 Restart Eclipse as directed

4.1. Go to and download the SDK for your OS.

4.2. Unzip the files to someplace safe (safe in that you or your system won’t delete it accidentally)

4.2.1. You could choose to unzip it into where eclipse installs,

C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\eclipse, or maybe a download folder like


4.2.2. Wherever you unzip it, you will need to remember this path for the entire course