IOS代写 | A301SGI Add+vantage Module
这次作业是自定义主题开发一个ios app
A301SGI Add+vantage Module (iPhone Development Skills)
Module Details
Module Code
AY 2019/20
Module Title
Add+vantage Module (iPhone Development Skills)
Module Leader
Jackie Kwong
Module Tutors
Jackie Kwong
Weighting: (% of the Module’s assessment)
Assignment 100%
Total Study hours
100 Hours
Date Issued to Students
4th June, 2020
Submission Date
29th July, 2020
Submission Place
Submission Time
22:00 HK Time
A zip file includes report, all source files and a video demonstrating all the features.
Intended Module Learning Outcome
1. Identify the platform components and their uses
2. Design software suitable for iOS Devices
3. Implement a mobile app to an agreed specification
4. Make use of the main modes of interaction available on a smartphone platform
Assignment (100%) Ö Ö Ö Ö
Coventry University
BSc (Hons) Multimedia Computing A301SGI Add+vantage Module (iPhone Development Skills) by Jackie Kwong
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A301SGI Add+vantage Module – iPhone Development Skills
(100% of the module score)
i) Background
Smartphone is popular nowadays and there are a lot of apps developed to support teaching and
learning activities, making learning more efficient and fun. For example, the note-taking apps like
Evernote and Google Keep enable students to take notes in a faster, efficient and
environmental-friendly way. Calendar apps like Google Calendar can remind students of important
dates like submission of assignment and examination.
In the assignment, you are required to develop an app to support learning. The overall design and
feature set is totally up to you while the app has to fulfill the minimum feature set listed below.
This is an individual assignment.
ii) Requirement
Minimum iOS version: 10.0
The minimum feature set:
Feature Description
Icon & Splash Screen Development of a custom icon that appears on the home screen plus
a splash screen that appears whilst the app is loading.
Adding items Being able to add items with a custom name.
Timestamping Display the date and time of the items created.
Viewing items Being able to view the details of the items.
Editing items Being able to make changes to previous items.
Deleting items Being able to delete items.
Persisting items The items are still available after shut the app down completely and
Coventry University
BSc (Hons) Multimedia Computing A301SGI Add+vantage Module (iPhone Development Skills) by Jackie Kwong
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iii)Submission Method
– DEADLINE: 22:00:00 29th July, 2020
– Submission method:
1. Zip up all the files (including the brief report and all source code files) and name the zip file to
“[Student ID]_[Last name]_[First name].zip”.
2. Upload the zip file to the Moodle (
3. Details will be announced in the lecture later.
4. Marks will be deducted if you don’t follow the submission method.
– Brief Report:
1. You are required to submit a brief report with at most 2000 words.
2. In the report, you should explain the intended purposes of source code components in terms of
– Presentation:
1. You are also required to create a short (less than 3 minutes) video demonstrating all the features
Marks will be deducted on late submission.
1 week Your marks x 90%
2 weeks Your marks x 80%
More than 2 weeks Your marks x 0%
Coventry University
BSc (Hons) Multimedia Computing A301SGI Add+vantage Module (iPhone Development Skills) by Jackie Kwong
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iv) Marking Scheme
This assignment contributes 100% of the final grade of A301SGI.
The full mark of this assignment is 100% breaking down into:
Graded items Weighting
1. Technical Competency
– Each feature stated in the minimum feature list: 5 marks, 35 marks in total.
– Additional features (like iCloud backup, location awareness, accelerometer
and gyroscope): 5 marks for each additional feature and up to 15 marks will be
– Please note that if the feature is not demonstrated in the video, you will NOT be given
the credit on that feature
2. Program Efficiency 15%
3. Readability 5%
4. Re-usability 5%
5. Documentation 5%
6. Brief Report 10%
7. Presentation 10%
Total: 100%
Coventry University
BSc (Hons) Multimedia Computing A301SGI Add+vantage Module (iPhone Development Skills) by Jackie Kwong
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Grading rubric:
Area of
Exceptional Acceptable Amateur Unsatisfactory
The program works and
meets all the specifications.
The program works and
produces the correct results
and displays them correctly.
It also meets most of the
other specifications.
The program produces
correct results but does not
display them correctly.
The program is producing
incorrect results.
The code is extremely
efficient without sacrificing
readability and
The code is fairly efficient
without sacrificing
readability and
The code is brute force and
un-necessarily long.
The code is huge and appears
to be patched together.
Readability The code is exceptionally well
organized and very easy to
The code is fairly easy to
The code is readable only by
someone who knows what it
is supposed to be doing.
The code is poorly organized
and very difficult to read.
Re-usability The code could be re-used as
a whole or each routine could
be re-used.
Most of the code could be
re-used in other programs.
Some parts of the code could
be re-used in other programs.
The code is not organized for
Documentation The documentation is well
written and clearly explains
what the code is
accomplishing and how.
The document consists of
embedded comment and
some simple header
documentation that is
somewhat useful in
understanding the code.
The documentation is simply
comments embedded in the
code with some simple
header comments separating
The documentation is simply
comments embedded in the
code and does not help the
reader understand the code.
Brief Report A very well written report
with standard spelling and
grammar. Style is clear
resourceful and academic.
Competently written with
minor lapses in spelling and
grammar. Style is readable
and mainly academic.
Generally competent writing
although intermittent lapses
in grammar and spelling pose
obstacles for the reader.
Style limits communication
and tends not to be academic.
Poorly written with
numerous deficiencies in
grammar, spelling, expression
and style.
Presentation The presentation style &
layout is correct for the type
of assignment. Effective
inclusion of figures, tables,
The presentation style &
layout is correct for the type
of assignment. Inclusion of
figures, tables, plates but
lacks selectivity
The presentation style &
layout is correct for the type
of assignment. Inappropriate
use of figures, tables, plates
or not used where clearly
needed to aid understanding.
For the type of assignment
the presentational style
and/or layout is lacking.
Figures, tables, plates as
– End –