APP代写 | ITE3902: Smartphone Apps Fundamentals

ITE3902: Smartphone Apps Fundamentals
Individual Project
EA Assignment Project: [A smartphone App of Your Own Interest]
Submission Deadline: Final Lesson
In this assignment, you should develop a cross-platform mobile app with the topic
related to your study field. Any content includes privacy violation, abuse topics,
harassment topics, suicide or self-injury, hate speech/animation/video or terrorism is
NOT allowed.
As the current study status, the group project will change to individual project and
some changes in the requirement is changed. The changes highlighted in RED for
your information.
Marking Standard
You should include the following features in your mobile apps:
– Text contents, pictures in a carefully designed layout
– Suitable visual effects to attract the attention of audience
– Nicely implemented user interface
Project Proposal (20 % of EA Project) – PPT and Video Submit before midnight of 12 March 2020 _(Thursday)_
The project proposal must contain the following information:
Course Code, Level and Class Code
Project Title Selected
Your Name and Student Number
Background of your app / your idea of your target work
Some draft screens.
A presentation template file (PPT) will be released and you can prepare. (You can
modify based on your needs). An online workshop will provided in order you have any
question on brainstorm the idea.
For draft screens design, the following software can help you:
 Mockflow Wireframe Pro (No installation required, free for 1 UI project)
 Adobe XD (Free)
You need to present your idea with no more than 5 minutes and take the video
presentation in MP4 format. The video must submit together with your PPT file to
Moodle on or before the deadline.
Note: PPT (10%) and Video Presentation (10%)
Project (60 % of EA Project)
The project proposal must contain the following information:
User interface (20%)
Creativity (10%)
Functions (40%)
ITE3902:Smartphone Apps Fundamentals EA Assignment
Technology used (10%)
Usability (10%)
Project Management (10%)
Presentation (20 % of EA Project)
The members come out to present their project, explain all the functions, features and
perform demonstrations to the lecturer and the classmates. Time allocated for each
group is not more than 15 minutes, including demonstration and Q&A.
You will get a ZERO mark if you don’t show up in the specific demonstration