系统设计代写 | INFS2037 Assignment 3

INFS2037 Assignment 3

Assignment tasks
This assignment consists of three tasks.
You can base your answers on your Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 answers. If you do reuse parts
of your previous assignments, you must clearly indicate the specific changes you have made in the
revisions for Assignment 3. You are also free to develop your Assignment 3 answers from scratch if
you wish to do so, provided that you clearly state this upfront in your submission.
Consider only Use Case UC01 in this assignment. You may need to amend the use case scenario to
account for the new requirements.
Focus your efforts on the changes required to address the revised requirements posed in this
document. Please avoid copying your assignment 1&2 discussion text verbatim into the submission,
as specific discussion about the changes is expected for this assignment.
Document all assumptions you make and justify the design decisions.
Task 1: Architecture
Document the revised architecture as follows:
• Describe the architectural style(s) or architectural pattern(s) that you have adopted and
justify why the chosen architecture is best suited given the revised requirements posed in
Assignment 3.
• Document the architecture in the form of a component diagram or a deployment diagram.
You can choose which type of diagram best presents the revised architecture.
• If applicable, describe the key modifications you have made to the architecture (such as
added elements, etc) and highlight them in the architecture diagram.
• Document the responsibilities of each architectural element.
• Document any assumptions and other information that may be required to understand your
Task 2: Interaction Design
Create revised interaction diagrams showing the use case realizations for the main success scenario
of the use case UC01 Identify Equation, taking into consideration the revised system requirement.
You can choose to create one or more a Communication- or Sequence Diagrams. For consistency it
is recommended to use only one of the two diagram styles for this task.
If your architecture consists of multiple collaborating components, ensure that you provide
interaction diagrams for each of the components.
Task 3: Class Design
Create a design class diagram for the system implementation for the main success scenario of the
use case UC01, showing the classes, attributes and data types, operations, and associations. The
design shall include all classes comprising the domain layer of the software implementation,
including any controller class(es).
Ensure that the design adheres to the design principles discussed in the course, and that it includes
all classes, attributes, operations, and associations necessary to implement the use cases.
Identify any design patterns that you have used, if any.
If your architecture consists of multiple collaborating components, ensure that you provide
separate class diagrams documenting the implementation of each of the components.