软件工程代写 | COMP3771 User Adaptive Intelligent Systems

COMP3771 User Adaptive Intelligent Systems

Learning objectives
– to apply the schema of a user-adaptive system in a specific context;
– to design a recommender system;
– to deepen your knowledge of recommender systems by researching relevant literature;
– to assess the strengths and weaknesses of your proposal;
– to practise technical report writing.

Design a student personal sustainability assistant which helps students to have a sustainable lifestyle by offering relevant and timely suggestions/advice adapted to the individual student’s interests, motivation and habits.
Your application should focus on one aspect of sustainable living. Possible sustainable living aspects include (but are not limited to): travel, food, recycling, shopping, volunteering, etc. The University of Leeds information on how to be a more sustainable student can provide some ideas.
Write a report presenting your design. The report should be maximum 1500 words and no more than 7 pages (excluding references).

You should select a specific student group for whom the personal sustainability assistant is designed. For example, you may consider sport enthusiasts, vegetarians, international students, students with families, ethical consumers, novices to sustainability, etc.
Your report should be written up in an academic style, and should include the following sections:
1. An introduction which describes the selected student group and outlines the purpose and scope of your personal sustainability assistant. User appropriate references to justify the selection of the student group and the need for personalised assistance.
2. An outline of two recommendation features in the personal sustainability assistant. For each feature, provide motivation why the feature is appropriate and illustrate how the feature will be presented to the user, i.e. you should provide a mock of the user interface. Your motivation should be based on appropriate references to applications that offer this feature (not necessarily in a sustainability context).
3. The overall architectural diagram for each feature, following the general schema of user-adaptive systems introduced in lectures. The graphical representations should be supported by brief explanations of each component indicating its input and output.
4. A description of the recommender method for each feature. You should specify the background data, the input data, and how the recommender algorithm uses this data to come up with suggestions/advice.
5. A critical review of the proposed design, discussing two strengths and two potential limitations. You should include both a computational perspective and a human-factors perspective when describing the strengths and limitations.