计算机视觉代写|7CCSMCVI Computer Vision


a. Give a brief definition of each of the following terms.

i. image processing
ii. border ownership

b. The RGB channels for a 3-by-3 pixel colour image are shown below.

Convert this RGB image to a greyscale representation using an equal
weighting for each channel. Assume the greyscale image is represented
using 8 bits per pixel.

c. The array below shows the intensity values in a 3-by-3 pixel greyscale

Calculate the 2-by-2 pixel image that would result if Ic was convolved
with the 2-by-2 pixel mask, H:

d. Below is a 2-by-2 pixel greyscale image.

This image is to be up-sampled by a factor of 1.5, so as to become
a 3-by-3 pixel image. Calculate all the pixel values of the up-sampled
image using bilinear interpolation to fill-in missing values.

e. Below is a 3-by-3 pixel greyscale image.

Convert this image to binary format using a threshold of 100.

f. Below is a 3-by-3 pixel binary image.

Write down the new binary image that results from performing the
following morphological operations on If, assuming each pixel has 4
neighbours (horizontal and vertical).

i. dilation
ii. closing