Python辅导 | GR5293 Applied Machine Learning for Image Analysis

GR5293 Applied Machine Learning for Image Analysis
Assignment #3
Instructor: Xiaofu He
Fall 2019
Department of Statistics & Data Science Institute
Columbia University
Implement SVM or other machine learning
methods for brain state classification
(classification accuracy can be based on the
whole brain or region of interest from the fMRI
a) Download data from coursework. For sub-01/ses-test, load in data
and labels.
b) Preprocessing: realignment (optional); create a brain mask to
extract brain regions (i.e., exclude non-brain voxels) using a single
threshold and save the mask.
c) Feature selection: extract brain regions using the brain mask, i.e.,
exclude background (non-brain voxels) , and/or use dimension
reduction (optional) such as PCA.
d) Classification: SVM or other method
e) K-fold cross-validation (e.g., K=4, 8…)
f) Play around the parameters (e.g.,. parameters (brain mask
threshold, SVM parameters, number of PCA components
(optional)). Submit the best accuracy (>=90%) and record all
Repeat step (a) to (f) using sub-01/ses-retest data
For example: 5-fold cross-validation
1. Realign sub-01/ses-test and sub-01/ses-retest
together (optional), so that you can train your
model using sub-01/ses-test data only and test
your model using sub-01/ses-retest. You will
receive extra 5% point if you can do so and
achieve descent accuracy ( > 70%) (It will be
Extra credit
Submission (Option 1 Matlab)
• One Matlab file, i.e., combine all steps into one script, which must be runnable
(we won’t debug for you).
– UNI_Name_Assignment3.m
• A readme file (UNI_Name_Assignment3.README)
– How to run your code? Any variable needs to be changed before we run your
code (e.g., variable for directory)?
– Briefly discuss the limitation(s). How can you improve it?
– Describe the results of the experiment in your own words. Compare the
results of two approaches (e.g., SVM only vs PCA+SVM) and briefly discuss
why one works better/worse than the other.
• DO NOT submit the dataset
• Compress all files and folder into a single compressed file with as its name
Submission (Option 2 Python)
• One python file (i.e., py), i.e., combine all steps into one script, which must be
runnable (we won’t debug for you).
• A readme file (UNI_Name_Assignment3.README) requirements see previous
• DO NOT submit the dataset
• Compress all files and folder into a single compressed file with as its name
Submit to the coursework, due on
11/20/2019 (11:59PM)
For Matlab
• use the following SPM functions to read your
fMRI data
– spm_vol: Get header information for images
– spm_read_vols: Read in entire image volumes
imgHeader = spm_vol(imgFile);
imgData = spm_read_vols(imgHeader);
• feel free to use exiting toolboxes that simplify
the work for you
For python
– for loading .mat data file if you processed
the data in Matlab or use a Python package to load
nifty data
– feel free to use other packages to make your life