计算机代写|ES3C5: Signal Processing Coursework Lab Assignment Briefing Sheet v1.0

1 Purpose

The following module learning objectives are applicable for this assignment:

The focus of this assignment is Parts 2 and 3 of the module, in particular content related to digital fifiltering and signal estimation.

2 Sessions and Support

There are 2 sets of in-person lab sessions as scheduled in Tabula to be held in A2.05a/b:

These sessions will begin and end promptly on time and you must attend your own sessions.

If you would like to change either of your sessions: You must fifind someone to swap with and both of you must email the module leader to confifirm that you agree. Otherwise, your entry at the other session may be refused.

Extra support can be obtained during the module leader’s support and feedback sessions in D2.05:

Finally, there is a support forum for all Lab Assignments (link) under the “Key Module Resources” heading on Moodle. Emailed questions will generally be re-directed to the forum unless the question is truly individual.

Email/forum cutoffff: In fairness to all students, the module leader will not respond to Assignment queries (either forum or email) sent after 10pm on Wednesday 30 November until after the submission deadline, unless there is an internal (i.e., university-side) problem with submissions.

3 Academic Misconduct

Your submission must be your own. Plagiarism of any kind is not acceptable and can  result in a mark of zero. We have previously identifified many cases of academic misconduct (including plagiarism) that have resulted in penalties for the assignments in this module.

It is expected that you will discuss the assignment with your classmates. However, you should keep the following best practices in mind to avoid having your work flflagged for academic misconduct:

4 General Instructions

Heads up regarding names:

These instructions include precise case-sensitive guidance

regarding names of fifiles, directories, functions, and variables. These must be followed exactly so that the marking scripts run correctly. There will be points deducted for any deviations.

This may seem pedantic, but precise naming is standard practice in programming and is essential for writing code that other people can rely on.

The instructions to complete this lab assignment are as follows:

where <ID> is your student number.


and rename the function title in the fifirst line from

ES3C5_2022_2023_lab_template() to u<ID>_lab() (where <ID> is your student number).

Do not change the output argument Answers or any of the code in the top-level function.

You will be entering all of your code in the subfunctions. Also, do not change the output arguments of the subfunctions or add any input arguments.

Recording Supplement

(ES3C5_2022_2023_lab_recording.pdf) to record the audio data that you will use to answer the problems in Question 1. This data will be stored to the fifile u<ID>_lab_Audio.mat.

(a) Every fifigure should be initiated by creating a new blank fifigure and your code should not close any fifigures.

(b) The plot function calls must be inside the subfunction code for the question, but details such as labels can be added after your solution function runs.

(c) Carefully consider appropriate parameter ranges and axis scaling, e.g., is it better for a given axis to be linear or logarithmic?

(d) ALL submitted plots must have labelled axes.

(e) Figures must include your student number and question number at the top.

(f) Each fifigure requested should be placed in u<ID>_lab.docx as a png image.