算法应用代写 | 31748 Programming on the Internet Assignment 1

31748 Programming on the Internet
Assignment 1:

In this assignment, you are required to develop a web site for a Grocery Store to run a grocery
business on-line. This Grocery Store system is a simulated online grocery shopping experience.
It is applicable to any e-commerce shopping application.
The products in the store for sale can be divided into five categories: Frozen-Food, FreshFood, Beverages, Home-Health and Pet-Food. The data pre-defined in a MySQL database is
shown as below:
The main focus of our on-line shopping project is to allow customers to visually search/browse
for products available in the shop and then display the details of chosen products. Customers
can add chosen products to a virtual shopping cart and when they wish to complete the
shopping, they can checkout by filling an on-line Purchase Form that asks for the delivery of
details and email address. Once the Form is filled out, the customer can complete the order by
clicking on the “Purchase” button. The details of the order are then sent via email to the email
address given on the form as a confirmation of the order.
There are four components in this project. These component will display in one of the three
frames of browser’s window. The four components are :-
1. The left hand frame displays a Visual (e.g. an Image Map) Browser. The Visual
Browser shows the category hierarchy of products available in the shop. The default
image only shows two levels of the products hierarchy.
2. The top right frame is a web page generated on the server side by a php script. It
retrieves the appropriate product entry from the MySQL products table and then
displays selected attributes of the product in a web page generated by the script. Each
product displayed has an “Add” button which adds the selected product to the user’s
shopping cart, which is displayed in the bottom right hand frame.
3. The bottom right hand frame displays a Virtual Shopping Cart, showing the user how
many products that are already chosen and the total value of their selections so far.
Users can empty the shopping cart (i.e. clear all selections made so far) by clicking on
a “Clear” button. Users can also complete their shopping session by clicking on a button
labelled “Checkout”. When the Checkout button is clicked, the system checks that the
user actually has products in the shopping cart, and if so it executes a php script whose
results are shown in the top right hand frame. (If there are no products in the shopping
cart a simple message is displayed in the shopping cart frame).
4. The checkout component displays a purchase form asking the user to fill in their
delivery details (name, address, suburb, state, country and email address). All these
fields must be completed for the order to go ahead. The user completes the transaction
by clicking on a button labelled “Purchase”. The details of the order are sent via email
to the email address given on the form.