编程代写|Scientific Programming – 2022/2023 Coursework 2 – Part 2
As part of this exercise we will be performing two operations on a large dataset using Numpy. First, considering an array of values, we will compute the percentage differential from one value to the next, as in the example below.
input_array = [43, 63, 72, 64, 16]
percent_diff = [(43-63)/43, (63-72)/63, (72-64)/72, (64-16)/64]
Second, we will compute the cummulative sum on an input array:
input_array = [43, 63, 72, 64, 16]
cumsum = [43, 43+63, 43+63+72, 43+63+72+64, 43+63+72+64+16]
Working code for both functions is provided in the following cells, the task is to re-write both functions to accelerate the computation. Several means of speeding up code have been covered during the lectures. Those include the use of caching, the use of native languages, the use of parallel computing, or the modification of the default algorithm. You can use one or several combined strategies.
The following cell’s code is from https://github.com/rakshitha123/TSForecasting/blob/master/utils/data_loader.py and enables the convert an input dataset in .tsf format into a pandas data frame.
In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numba import njit, prange
# https://github.com/rakshitha123/TSForecasting/blob/master/utils/data_loader.py
from datetime import datetime
from distutils.util import strtobool
# Converts the contents in a .tsf file into a dataframe and returns it along
# with other meta-data of the dataset: frequency, horizon, whether the dataset
# contains missing values and whether the series have equal lengths
# Parameters
# full_file_path_and_name – complete .tsf file path
# replace_missing_vals_with – a term to indicate the missing values in series
# in the returning dataframe
# value_column_name – Any name that is preferred to have as the name of the
# column containing series values in the returning dataframe
def convert_tsf_to_dataframe(
col_names = []
col_types = []
all_data = {}
line_count = 0
frequency = None
forecast_horizon = None
contain_missing_values = None
contain_equal_length = None
found_data_tag = False
found_data_section = False
started_reading_data_section = False
with open(full_file_path_and_name, “r”) as file: # , encoding=”cp1252″
for line in file:
# Strip white space from start/end of line
line = line.strip()
if line:
if line.startswith(“@”): # Read meta-data
if not line.startswith(“@data”):
line_content = line.split(” “)
if line.startswith(“@attribute”):
if len(line_content) != 3: # Attributes have both name and type
raise Exception(“Invalid meta-data specification.”)
if len(line_content) != 2: # Other meta-data have only values
raise Exception(“Invalid meta-data specification.”)
if line.startswith(“@frequency”):
frequency = line_content[1]
elif line.startswith(“@horizon”):
forecast_horizon = int(line_content[1])
elif line.startswith(“@missing”):
contain_missing_values = bool(strtobool(line_content[1]))
elif line.startswith(“@equallength”):
contain_equal_length = bool(strtobool(line_content[1]))
if len(col_names) == 0:
raise Exception(“Missing attribute section. ”
“Attribute section must come before data.”)
found_data_tag = True
elif not line.startswith(“#”):
if len(col_names) == 0:
raise Exception(“Missing attribute section. ”
“Attribute section must come before data.”)
elif not found_data_tag:
raise Exception(“Missing @data tag.”)
if not started_reading_data_section:
started_reading_data_section = True
found_data_section = True
all_series = []
for col in col_names:
all_data[col] = []
full_info = line.split(“:”)
if len(full_info) != (len(col_names) + 1):
raise Exception(“Missing attributes/values in series.”)
series = full_info[len(full_info) – 1]
series = series.split(“,”)
if len(series) == 0:
raise Exception(
“A given series should contains a set of comma separated ”
“numeric values. At least one numeric value should be there ”
“in a series. Missing values should be indicated with ? symbol”
numeric_series = []
for val in series:
if val == “?”:
if numeric_series.count(replace_missing_vals_with) == len(numeric_series):
raise Exception(
“All series values are missing. A given series should contains ”
“a set of comma separated numeric values. At least one numeric ”
“value should be there in a series.”
for i in range(len(col_names)):
att_val = None
if col_types[i] == “numeric”:
att_val = int(full_info[i])
elif col_types[i] == “string”:
att_val = str(full_info[i])
elif col_types[i] == “date”:
att_val = datetime.strptime(full_info[i], “%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S”)
raise Exception(
“Invalid attribute type.”
) # Currently, the code supports only numeric, string and date types.
# Extend this as required.
if att_val is None:
raise Exception(“Invalid attribute value.”)
line_count = line_count + 1
if line_count == 0:
raise Exception(“Empty file.”)
if len(col_names) == 0:
raise Exception(“Missing attribute section.”)
if not found_data_section:
raise Exception(“Missing series information under data section.”)
all_data[value_column_name] = all_series
loaded_data = pd.DataFrame(all_data)
return (
# Example of usage
# loaded_data, frequency, forecast_horizon, contain_missing_values, contain_equal_length = convert_tsf_to_dataframe(“TSForecasting/tsf_data/sample.tsf”)
# print(loaded_data)
# print(frequency)
# print(forecast_horizon)
# print(contain_missing_values)
# print(contain_equal_length)
The following cell loads a dataset downloaded from https://zenodo.org/record/7371038. The following description is from the dataset webpage:
“This dataset contains 145063 time series representing the number of hits or web traffic for a set of Wikipedia pages from 2015-07-01 to 2022-06-30. This is an extended version of the dataset that was used in the Kaggle Wikipedia Web Traffic forecasting competition. For consistency, the same Wikipedia pages that were used in the competition have been used in this dataset as well. The colons (:) in article names have been replaced by dashes (-) to make the .tsf file readable using our data loaders.
The original dataset contains missing values. They have been simply replaced by zeros.
The data were downloaded from the Wikimedia REST API. According to the conditions of the API, this dataset is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL licenses.”
You can download the dataset from https://zenodo.org/record/7371038/files/web_traffic_extended_dataset_without_missing_values.zip. Note that the file is large: 433 MB. The cells convert the dataset into a Numpy compressed file for easier use in the remainder of this jupyter notebook.
下面的单元格加载了一个从https://zenodo.org/record/7371038 下载的数据集。 下面的描述来自于数据集的网页。
这些数据是从维基媒体REST API中下载的。根据API的条件,该数据集在CC-BY-SA 3.0和GFDL许可下授权。”
你可以从https://zenodo.org/record/7371038/files/web_traffic_extended_dataset_without_missing_values.zip 下载该数据集。请注意,该文件很大。433MB。单元将数据集转换为Numpy压缩文件,以便在本jupyter笔记本的其余部分更容易使用。
In [2]:
# https://zenodo.org/record/7371038
df, frequency, forecast_horizon, contain_missing_values, contain_equal_length = convert_tsf_to_dataframe(
hits_arr = np.stack(df[“series_value”].apply(np.asarray).tolist())
np.savez_compressed(“web_traffic_extended_dataset_without_missing_values”, hits_arr)
The following cell implement the pct_change1 function, used to compute the percentage difference change beetween succesive values, as aforementioned. The cell is also used to time the function and display the result as a figure.
下面的单元格实现了 “pct_change1 “函数,用于计算前面提到的连续数值之间的百分比差异变化。该单元格也被用来为该函数计时,并将结果显示为一个数字。
In [ ]:
def pct_change1(n):
result = np.diff(n) / n[:, :–1]
result[np.isnan(result)] = 0 # difference is 0 and both values are 0
result[np.isinf(result)] = 1 # first value was 0 and next is not 0
return result
pct = pct_change1(hits_arr)
%timeit pct_change1(hits_arr)
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5))
plt.plot(pct[10559, 300:800])
Modify the following cell to implement the function pct_change2 to accelerate the computation. The np.allclose() function checks that the results obtained using pct_change1 and pct_change2 are near identical.
In [ ]:
def pct_change2(n):
result = None
return result
pct_n = pct_change2(hits_arr)
%timeit pct_change2(hits_arr)
print(np.allclose(pct, pct_n))
The cumsum function from numpy can be used to compute the cummulative sum of the hits_arr array, as shown below.
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cs1 = np.cumsum(hits_arr, 1)
%timeit np.cumsum(hits_arr,1)
Modify the following cell to implement the function cumsum2 to accelerate the computation. The np.allclose() function enables to check that the results obtained using np.cumsum and cumsum2 are similar.
In [ ]:
def cumsum2(n):
result = None
return result
cs2 = cumsum2(hits_arr)
%timeit cumsum2(hits_arr)
np.allclose(cs1, cs2)
The aim of the exercise is to develop a effective solution to solve the travelling salesman problem.
The idea of the Travelling Salesman Problem is to find the shortest path necessary to visit all locations and return to the start. For an example of visiting four locations, cycle length is the distance travelled from starting location A to location B, then to location C, then to location D, then back to A. The brute force approach to solving this is consider every possible cycle between the locations, however for N locations there are N! possible cycles so this isn’t really tractable for anything above small values like 10.
The following cell generate a random graph with 100 nodes, links the nodes in indices increasing order (to create edges between pair of nodes) and display the resulting solution.