程序编程代写 | React ToDoList Program modification

本次美国作业是关于React ToDoList程序修改相关的一个程序编程代写Assignment

For this assignment, you will create a React version of the same ToDo application you built in Assignment 8. The React framework is much different from plain Javascript, and as such this will require significant changes to convert Assignment 8 to the new framework.

All requirements are the same for this assignment, your application must work exactly the same, with one exception: you need to add an ability to sort ToDos either in alphabetical, by created date, or by completed status.

You may use the same HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in this assignment, you will be copying portions of your code into your React application. 1. Setup Instructions (Links to an external site.) 2. Getting Started (Links to an external site.) 3. Converting your ToDo app to React (Links to an external site.) 4. Code snippets and React Examples (Links to an external site.)

Submissions that do not interact with the provided API will receive a zero grade. 10 points will be deducted if your ToDo app is not successfully deployed to Github Pages. 15 points will be deducted if your application consists of only a single component. Setup Instructions: https://gist.github.com/britton-clapp/904cf0750aa214aaacb5ce73ba1fbeaa