网络安全代写 | Introduction to Computer Security – G6077

Introduction to Computer Security – G6077

Task 1 [5 marks]
Compare Remote Administration Tools and Botnets for its differences.
Task 2 [5 marks]
You will need to use the DVDSwap application for this task, which is available on Canvas. There are a number of files and folders in the project.
You will need to find the part, which is required to complete the task. You are not required to fix errors to run the application.
In the module, you have studied different issues and challenges about protecting information assets like passwords. Describe weaknesses of how password mechanism is implemented in DVDSwap application. Suggest improvements to overcome these weaknesses.
Task 3 [5 marks]
Perform the encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm:
a) p=13; q=31, e=19; m=2
Task 4 [15 marks]
Suppose you work as a junior cyber security expert in a security organisation. Your manager has forwarded you the encrypted message below and has asked you to carry out an analysis.
Task 5
Read the scenario below and attempt the questions at the end based on this scenario.
A famous Pizza Restaurant in Brighton wants to implement an IT solution to increase their sale by working efficiently and managing orders easily. They plan to start a take-away delivery service. An IT consultant has recommended that the system would work like this:
A waiter enters orders (and customer details if for a new customer) on a PC while taking the orders over the phone.
The orders are displayed on a touchscreen in the kitchen where the chef can see at a glance what to do next.
As each order is finished, the chef clears it from the list. It is then displayed on a third screen for the delivery driver. The driver clears orders as they are loaded for delivery.
Customer and order data will be used for promotional and for management information.
Owner wants that customers should register themselves by using the web interface of the application. But he is worried for client data safety due to GDPR. A secure system will give him more confidence.
Owner has requested to have a feature which allows him to display highest order.