程序代写|SIT314/SIT729 – Task 3.1P Simulate a 6LoWPAN mesh with Cooja


Contiki is an open source operating system targeted for resource constrained, low power IoT systems. Contiki provides IP communication, both for IPv4 and IPv6. The Contiki OS kernel does not provide any hardware abstraction, but it allows device drivers and applications to directly communicate with the hardware.

For more information, see

https://anrg.usc.edu/contiki/index.php/Cooja_Simulator. Cooja is a network simulator based on Contiki.

In this task, you will use Contiki & Cooja to simulate a 6LoWPAN mesh.

You can use the Instant Contiki development environment in the exercises. Instant Contiki is a single file download that contains the Contiki source code and all necessary compilers and tools required for developing software for Contiki.

For this task, we will be using a preconfigured virtual machine with the Contiki OS installed. You will setup a virtual machine on your PC or laptop with VirtualBox.

Note: The Contiki default password is ‘user’.

Note: You should not attempt to change the Disk size for Contiki clone (You should leave HDD Disk size as default 10GB). If you do, they template will give a vague error and will not produce a clone.


More specifically, the command is “cd contiki/tools/cooja” and “ant run”.

/home/user/contiki-2.7/examples/ipv6/rpl-borderrouter/border-router.c. Add 5 sensing Sky motes. Position the motes so that mote

https://youtu.be/OAlwUl0At-8. Note: Don’t worry about the exact positioning of the motes. Just make sure sensor motes no. 2, 3, 4 & 5 are within range of the border router. Green region shows the best signal range while grey region shows range with potential interference. Click on the node (small green circule) to see the larger range circles.

This will map the border router node’s serial port to a UDP port on the host computer that runs Cooja.

a.In Cooja, right click on the border router in the Network view, More tools for

SKY-> Serial socket (SERVER). This will create a new window in the Cooja GUI.

By default the UDP port is 60001. Click ‘Start’ (if needed).

b.In Contiki, open a terminal and change directory to

contiki/examples/ipv6/rpl-border-router. Type ‘make connect

router-cooja’ and press Enter.

c.Password is ‘user

d.Observe the output on terminal. Now our bridge is ready! Our web address will run on localhost.

e.Now go back to the Cooja simulation and press the ‘start’ button to start the simulation. Demo: https://youtu.be/VNIPRnG8GIg (Use `make clean’ if there are issues).

Observe the server IP address on the terminal. It will be IPV6 e.g.: aaaa::212:7401:1:101

Reload the browser. Has the browser output changed?

Your task submission should include:

Task goal

Demonstrate understanding of 6LoWPAN mesh networks.