微控制器代写 | CAB202 Assignment Exercise 1: Microcontroller Assignment


CAB202 Microcontroller Assignment

FAQ (2 new):
1. Q: What do I need to submit as part of the assignment?
A: You need to submit a report via BB and the source code via AMS. Students taking the
unit online must include a link to their tinkercad project in the report.
2. Q: Where I can find templates and howto’s?
A: Instructions, templates and the link for submitting the report are now available in
the assessment page on BB.
3. Q: How do I submit my report?
A: Instructions and the link for submitting the report are now available in Assessment
page in BB.
4. Q: Am I allowed use library X (where X is the name of any Arduino library)?
A: The standard C libraries (http://cplusplus.com/reference/
(http://cplusplus.com/reference/), under the heading “C Library”) are permitted. In
addition, headers of the form <avr/xxx.h>, plus <util/delay.h>, are permitted. Third
party libraries are permitted if they are not Arduino libraries (they must be

. If X is not covered by these descriptions, X cannot be used. And certain libraries,
such as time.h, are not available in a microcontroller, so they cannot be used either.
Some examples of header files you should avoid are Arduino.h, Wire.h, SoftwareSerial.h,
SPI.h, LiquidCrystal.h, Servo.h
5. Q: How original does my application have to be?
A: Your idea doesn’t have to be very original; for example, porting a real-life game
(such as Mah Jong, Old Maid, Snap, Piggy In The Middle) or homage to existing video game
genres is reasonable. But your implementation must be completely original.
Practical applications such as home automation devices are fine in principle, but may
have difficulty incorporating multiple learning outcomes in a coherent and cohesive
manner. Certain applications may require substitution of other similar devices in the
TinkerCad implementation. If that is the case, the substitution must be an incontestably
direct replacement for the substituted object, such that the analogy between real device
and substituted TinkerCad component is clear and not contrived.
6. Q: How do I share a link to my TinkerCAD?
A: See Q1 above. In your private TinkerCAD project there is a button on the top right
bar in the screen labelled “Share”. Selecting that button will open up a pop-up menu
with a button labelled “Invite People”, select that button. Please select the “Generate
new link” button to check your link is fresh for marking. Copy the link that you can see
in the Collaborate pop-up menu into your report.
7. Q: How is the assignment marked?
A: You must demonstrate your project to your marker either in a face to face session or
via an online meeting using zoom or equivalent. If demonstration is face to face, then
the marking will occur during your on campus tutorial session. If demonstration is
online, you must organize an online meeting with your tutor.
8. Q: What counts as “direct” for LCD direct write?
A: You can use “lcd.h” and “lcd_model.h”, but not anything from “graphics.h”.