UML代写 | CSIT 5100 (Fall 2020) Assignment 2 UML Modeling of Object-Oriented Programs
CSIT 5100 (Fall 2020) Assignment 2
UML Modeling of Object-Oriented Programs
1. Objective and Requirement
In this assignment, you are going to practice the use of Unified Modeling Language (UML) to
document the requirements and design of the Hotel Management System (HMS). Note that the
software design needs not to be constrained by the code or documentation in assignment 1.
You may use any drawing tools such as UML Designer for Eclipse or Visual Paradigm
(Community Edition) to prepare the UML diagrams. All the diagrams should be contained in
your assignment report.
2. Assignment Report
In the programming assignment, you have carefully read the Javadoc, source code of the HMS
system. So in this assignment, your report is expected to include:
(1) An executive overview of the HMS system explaining its (a) objective, (b) main
functionality, and (c) design issues. The overview should be concise and clear. It needs
not be long. One page would be enough.
(2) An activity diagram describing the business process (or workflow) of the HMS system.
(3) Major actors of the system. You should clearly provide actor names, their
responsibilities and information needs. We do not expect more than 5 major actors.
(4) A use case diagram relating the actors and the major use cases in which they participate.
We do not expect more than 10 major use cases.
(5) A concise and clear description of each identified major use case that captures
important interactions between actors and the HMS system.
(6) A class diagram of the system design. Note that you need not to enumerate all
implementation classes. The diagram should contain only classes that play important
roles in the major use cases. For each class, please identify key attributes and operations,
and include them in the class diagram. Arbitrarily inclusion of all attributes and
operations from the implementation will result in grade deduction. You may divide the
class diagrams into multiple ones if appropriate. The class diagrams altogether should
not contain more than 30 classes.
(7) Sequence diagrams explaining how the instances of classes in your class diagram
interoperate to realize each major scenario as described by the major use cases. We do
not expect more than 10 sequence diagrams.
3. Submission Requirement
Stage 1 (0%). In this stage, you are required to submit a report including items (1) – (5)
mentioned in Section 2. Failure in submitting stage 1 by its deadline will receive a
penalty of 20% from Stage 2.
Stage 2 (100%). In this stage, you should continue to enrich your report. Note that you
may further improve the UML diagrams and text descriptions previously submitted in
Stage 1. After completion, please submit a report including ALL items (1) – (7).
Please submit your assignment report as an MS Word (docx) file with name in the form
“yourname_studentId_assignment2_stageNo.docx”. Submission should be made before
deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please make sure that you submit the right
version of your assignment to the canvas of CSIT5100. The assignment is subject to the
plagiarism policy at the course web page.