Tableau代写 | ACCT 6341 – Optional Tableau Project

ACCT 6341 – Optional Tableau Project

Go to Linked In Learning and subscribe and complete this training which is Tableau Essential Training (3:50 hours)

Write a paper that is at least 3 pages long but no longer than 8 pages long (not including references) to explain the following:

Show certification completing the above two learning modules and/or explain what these two modules taught you. If you have had experience with Tableau already, you will not need to complete these training modules. Talk to me to determine if you have sufficient experience to forgo these lectures / demos. Explain your experience and training if you have prior experience. 10 points

Explain what Tableau is. What are the competitors of Tableau? What are some key differences between Excel and Tableau? Explain what Alteryx is. How is Tableau different than Alteryx? What are the differences of visualization and data analytics tools? How can Tableau and other automation help accounting and business people in decision-making and management control? 20 points

Relate accounting systems and tools such as Tableau to topics in this course. 5 points

Share how you feel Tableau can be used by you in your future career. 5 points

Explain a case of work that you would like to show using Tableau. This can be real-life application to your current job with scrubbed data or another application to meaningfully use Tableau. You can also research and find an example case, but share the resources of where you found the data in your report. Using the software, share how you can analyze the data using Tableau. This can also compare work in Tableau with what would have been showin in Excel or other tools / how it was presented in the past. Please put details in the paper as well as share Tableau, Excel or other files. 40 points.

Proper spelling, grammar, organization and sentence structure 10 points

References and In-Text Citings in APA format (Must have at least 2 references for research) 10 points