数据库代写 | SEHS 4514 Database Technologies and Management

Individual Assignment 1 (20% of total course marks)
The objectives of this assignment are to

evaluate the students’ concept in designing database for real life applications and its implementation.

arouse students’ attention on database security and administration

General Information

In this assignment, each student is required to design and implement a database application for in a real-world organization. With the concept of Database System Development Lifecycle, each student needs to specify the scope and boundaries of the database system. Entity-relationship Model is presented as the deliverable at database design stage. The format should be consistent
with that in the textbook. Moreover, each student is required to implement the database in Microsoft SQL Server (Express) 2012/2014/2016 or above. After implementation, queries and views are prepared for information retrieval. Lastly, each student is asked to discuss the security and administration issues of the chosen application.

a. Database Design
1) Scope of the database system – Introduction of your company (business context,database operation, data flow)
– Business rule (the entity relationship among tables, table descriptions, e.g., 1 customer can place 0 or many orders)
2) ER Modelling (UML Class Diagram)
3) Recommended Software: Diagram in Microsoft SQL Server (Express) 2012/2014/2016
StarUML @ http://staruml.io/
b. Database Implementation
1) Queries
◆Prepare two queries for users at operational level and discuss their implications
◆Prepare two queries for users at managerial level and discuss their implications
2) Views
◆ Create two views and discuss their implications
3) Required Software: Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014/2016
c. Discussion on Security and Administration issues (Networking environment, Hacker, Disaster recovery planning, Authorization, Access right) with literature support (academic papersHighly Recommended)
– IEEE communications magazine
– Information Systems Security Conf
– IEEE International Symposium on Secure Software Engineering
– IEEE/ACM international Conference on Automated
software engineering
Word limit: 500~600 words + Reference List
Each student is required to submit a report addressing the aforementioned tasks in document format (doc or docx). ALL files (including report, UML and MS-SQL project files) should be zipped
and submitted to Moodle on or before 5 May 2020 (23:00).
Assessment Criteria
a. Scope and Database Design Weight
1.1 Scope of the database system (Business Rules) 3%
1.2 ER Modelling (UML Class Diagram) 3%
b. Database Implementation
2.1 Queries 8%
2.2 Views 4%
c. Security and Administration issues 1%
d. Database Complexity and Business Logic 1%
Some possible ideas for your proposed business context*

Learning Management Systems

Conference Management System

Library Management Systems

Volunteer Management Systems

Fundraising and Relationship (Donor) Management Systems

Sales and Marketing Information Systems

Manufacturing and Production Information Systems

Finance and Accounting Information Systems

Human Resources Information Systems

Property management system

Document Management System

Hotel Management System

Clinic (Healthcare) Management Systems
*Not limited to the ideas above.