Shell辅导 | KIT501 Assignment UNIX Shell Programming

完成两个Shell Programming task


KIT501 Assignment 2– UNIX Shell Programming

(10% of your KIT501 final result)
Due: 5pm on Thursday the 10th of October – Week 12

This is an individual assignment. There are two (2) shell programming tasks in this assignment that use skills and knowledge you have learned from the unit’s practical sessions. You are required to make a directory named kit501a2 under your home directory (on alacritas) and use kit501a2 as your working directory for this assignment.

Assignment submissions will be marked on the host alacritas as used in practicals. If you write and test your scripts elsewhere it’s your responsibility to ensure that your scripts run correctly on the ICT Discipline’s UNIX system (alacritas). If your scripts do not run on alacritas, they will receive zero marks immediately.

Write a shell script (to run on the Bourne shell) that can be used to remove some old C programs you no longer wish to keep. When the script is run with no arguments supplied, it picks up each C program from the current directory and lists the first 10 lines (hint: research the head command). It then prompts for deletion of the file (the user can then choose to delete or not to delete the file). When the user supplies arguments (C program file names) with the script, it works on those files only.

Your script for this task must be named In designing your script you should consider the following scenarios:

current directory. We can assume that all the C programs have been correctly named as

*.c, and that there are no special characters (such as space) in any of these filenames;

stored under the current directory. Missing names refer to the files which no longer exist under the current directory.

Make sure your script is user-friendly and follows common sense (for example, when there is no C program stored under the current directory your script should display a message and then exit).


Task A – sample output

To illustrate the behaviour of the script, the following are sample outputs, noting the ‘$’ is the shell prompt.

$ ./
This script removes C files which you no longer want to keep. Here are the C file(s) under the current directory:
No C files found.

$ ./

This script removes C files which you no longer want to keep. Here are the C file(s) under the current directory:
f1.c f2.c

Displaying first 10 lines of f1.c:

/* A C program for handling arrays Written by John Jones, July 2009

int main()

int x;

Delete file f1.c? (y/n):n (user input) File f1.c NOT deleted.

Displaying first 10 lines of f2.c:

/* Another C program for handling arrays Written by John Jones, August 2009

int main()

int x, y, z;

Delete file f2.c? (y/n): y (user input) File f2.c deleted.


$ ./ f1.c
This script removes C files which you no longer want to keep. The file(s) you want to delete is/are:

Displaying first 10 lines of f1.c:

/* A C program for handling arrays Written by John Jones, July 2009 Updated April 2010

int main() {

Delete file f1.c? (y/n):y (user input) File f1.c deleted.

$ ./ f2.c f3.c
This script removes C files which you no longer want to keep. The file(s) you want to delete is/are:
f2.c f3.c

Displaying first 10 lines of f2.c:

/* Another C program for handling arrays Written by John Jones, August 2009

int main()

int x, y, z;

Delete file f2.c? (y/n): y (user input) File f2.c deleted.

Displaying first 10 lines of f3.c: File f3.c does not exist.

$ ./ f3.c f4.c
This script removes C files which you no longer want to keep. The file(s) you want to delete is/are:
f3.c f4.c

Displaying first 10 lines of f3.c: File f3.c does not exist. Displaying first 10 lines of f4.c: File f4.c does not exist.

The second task is to write a shell script (to run on the Bourne shell) that allows a user to view, add, or delete a setting in a configuration file (config.txt) that contains settings in the form variable=value. The following is an example of such configuration file:

OSTYPE=linux PATH=/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/bin:. PS1=$

PS2=> SHELL=/usr/bin/tcsh TZ=Australia/Tasmania USER=abc

Your script for this task must be named For ease of use, your script must present a menu of operations that a user may choose from. After the user makes a selection and that the

selected operation has been completed, the menu must be displayed again so that the user can make another selection. Validation check on user inputs is required (see the following sample output about this). In the beginning of your script you need to check to see whether the required configuration file (config.txt) actually exists under the current directory (if not, your script displays a message and then exits).

Task B – sample output

Here is a sample output of your script. The $ is the shell prompt. The items in italics are not part of the sample output. They are hints indicating how your script should behave.

$ ./

CHOICE: 1 (user input)
Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): (user simply presses the Enter/Return key)

New setting not entered
Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): EDITOR (user input)

Invalid setting (A valid setting needs to contain a “=” sign)

Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): EDITOR= (user input) The variable name of the setting is: EDITOR
The variable value of the setting is:
Invalid setting.

(Hint: To retrieve a variable name before the “=” sign, research the expr command’s ability in handling strings)

Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): =vi (user input) The variable name of the setting is:
The variable value of the setting is: vi
Invalid setting.

Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): 1EDITOR=vi (user input)
The variable name of the setting is: 1EDITOR
The variable value of the setting is: vi
Invalid setting. The first character of a variable name cannot be a digit.

Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): EDITOR=vi (user input) The variable name of the setting is: EDITOR
The variable value of the setting is: vi

CHOICE: 1 (user input)

insert into config txt

Enter setting (format: ABCD=abcd): USER=jchen (user input)
The variable name of the setting is: USER
The variable value of the setting is: jchen
Variable exists. Changing the values of existing variables is not allowed.

CHOICE: 2 (user input)
Enter variable name: EDTOR (user input)

Variable does not exist. (Your script needs to check whether a variable exists or not)

CHOICE: 2 (user input)
Enter variable name: EDITOR (user input)

Delete this setting (y/n)? y (user input)

Setting deleted (However, if user’s answer is n here, then the setting stays)

CHOICE: 3 (user input)
Enter variable name:USER1 (user input)

Variable does not exist. (Your script needs to check whether a variable exists or not)

CHOICE: 3 (user input)

Enter variable name: USER (user input) USER=abc
Requested setting displayed above.

CHOICE: 4 (user input)

OSTYPE=linux PATH=/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/bin:. PS1=$

PS2=> SHELL=/usr/bin/tcsh TZ=Australia/Tasmania USER=abc

CHOICE: 5 (user input) Invalid choice.

CHOICE: q (user input)
(The running script is terminated. The shell prompt is displayed)

Script requirements

You must:

Note on Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a very serious matter, and ignorance of this is not an excuse. If you submit work, claiming it to be your own, and it is not original work of your own this is cheating. This includes (but is not limited to) submitting code written by others or paying individuals or companies to do the work for you. Plagiarism can result in academic penalties both in relation to your assignment, and also on your permanent university record.

Assignment Submission

The assignment is due on Thursday the 10th of October (Week 12) at 5 pm.

You must submit a single folder named kit501a2 which contains the following three (3) files, electronically to the kit501submit folder which will be created for you in your alacritas home account:

(Please make sure that your kit501a2 folder only contains the three files as listed here, when you are ready to submit them)

To submit your assignment, follow these two steps:

(This takes you back to your home directory from anywhere)

(This copies your assignment folder into your kit501submit folder. The option -r is important)

(This verifies that your assignment folder is now in your kit501submit folder)

(This verifies that your assignment files are now in your kit501submit folder)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The kit501submit folder will be created for you automatically close to the submission time – do not create it yourself as this may cause your assignment to not be submitted correctly. If the kit501submit folder does not exist, please visit the ICT discipline’s Help Desk immediately. Without a kit501submit folder, you will NOT be able to submit your assignment 2.

You must also submit a signed cover sheet to the KIT501 assignment box located at the ICT discipline’s Help Desk or Reception. Assignments without a signed coversheet will NOT be marked.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment has been successfully submitted to the correct folder on alacritas. If you require assistance with this, please visit the ICT discipline’s Help Desk.

If your assignment is late then you should submit your files to the kit501late folder. The late folder will be created automatically after the due date and will be available for one week only.

Need Help?

You are encouraged to seek assistance from your lecturer after you have seriously thought about the assignment. Please note that we can provide general advice, however, we will not help you write any code, nor will we help you debug.

The marking scheme is attached on the next page

Appendix: KIT501 Assignment 2 Marking Scheme
Script (for each item there are only 3 possible marks: 100% or 50% or 0%)

Execution of the shell script
Script runs as expected (2).
Script runs but not as expected (1). Script does not run (0)

Display a message then exit when there is no C file under current directory

Pick up each C file from current directory

List the first 10 lines then prompt for deletion

When user supplies C file names as arguments work on those files only

Can handle invalid file names contained in user-supplied arguments list

Script (for each item there are only 3 possible marks: 100% or 50% or 0%)

Execution of the shell script
Script runs as expected (2).
Script runs but not as expected (1). Script does not run (0)

Correctly allow user to remove settings

Correctly allow user to view a setting

Correctly allow user to view all settings

Checking the existence of the configuration file

Checking the existence of the variable name for deleting or viewing a setting

Correctly allow user to add new settings

Add new settings – Changing the values of existing variables not allowed

Add new settings – verify user input contains a “=” sign

Add new settings – retrieve variable name and variable value of a new setting

Add new settings – first character of a variable name cannot be a digit

Others (for each item there are only 3 possible marks: 100% or 50% or 0%)

Shell scripts structure and layout
Clear and tidy (2).
Somewhat messy but understandable (1). Messy (0)

Appropriate comments

Include name, ID, and brief introduction in all scripts

Assignment 2 Total: /40