Shell辅导 | FIT2014 Assignment 1 Linux tools regular expressions
Shell编程辅导 要求掌握awk的使用
Linux tools, regular expressions, induction DUE: 11:55pm, Friday 23 August 2019
How to manage this assignment
• Do as much as possible of it before your week 4 prac class. There will not be time during the class itself to do the assignment from scratch; there will only be time to get some help and clarification.
Please read these instructions carefully before you attempt the assessment:
• To begin working on the assignment, download the asgn1.tar.gz workbench from Moodle and unpack it. Be sure to configure and test the submission-builder before you begin working. Refer to Lab 0 for a reminder on how to do all of these tasks.
• The workbench provides locations and names for all solution files. These will be empty, needing replacement. Do not add or remove files from the workbench. All solutions must be submitted to Moodle by the deadline above, and must be packaged using the workbench’s makefile system.
• Solutions to written questions must be submitted as PDF documents. You can create a PDF file by scanning your legible (use a pen, write carefully, etc.) hand-written solutions, or by directly typing-up your solutions on a computer.
• Start work on this assignment early, and try to make substantial progress before your sched- uled lab class: your tutor won’t have time to help you start from scratch. Before you attempt any problem—or seek help on how to do it—be sure to read and understand the question, as well as any accompanying code.
• To aid the marking process, you must adhere to all naming conventions that appear in the assignment materials, including files, directories, code, and mathematics. Not doing so will cause your submission to incur a one-day late-penalty (in addition to any other late-penalties you might have). Be sure to check your work carefully.
Your submission must include:
• an awk script, prob1, for Problem 1;
• a sed script, build-awk, for Problem 2(a);
• the generated awk script analyseGrLa, for Problem 2(b);
• a file inputFileOfWords being the word list you used for Problem 2(c);
• a file prob2c.pdf with your solution and required information for Problem 2(c); • a file prob3.pdf with your solution to Problem 3.
To submit your work, simply enter the command ‘make’ from within the asgn1 directory, and then submit the resulting .tar.gz file to Moodle. As last time, make sure that you have tested the submission mechanism and that you understand the effect of make on your directory tree.
Introduction to the Assignment
In Lab 0, you met the stream editor sed, which detects and replaces certain types of patterns in text, processing one line at a time. These patterns are actually specified by regular expressions. You will use sed again in Problem 2 of this Assignment, to transform a list of strings into a list of instructions, with one instruction line for each string.
You will also learn about awk, which is a simple programming language that is widely used in Unix/Linux systems and which also uses regular expressions. After an introductory exercise (Problem 1), you will construct an awk program to study the frequency of Greek and Latin roots (i.e., word components) in English text.
Finally, Problem 3 is about applying induction to a problem of counting strings.
Introduction to awk
In an awk program, each line has the form
/pattern/ { action }
where the pattern is a regular expression (or certain other special patterns) and the action is an instruction that specifies what to do with any line that contains a match for the pattern. The action (and the {. . . } around it) can be omitted, in which case any line that matches the pattern is printed.
Once you have written your program, it does not need to be compiled. It can be executed di- rectly, by using the awk command in Linux:
$ awk -f programName inputFileName
Your program is then executed on an input file in the following way.
// Initially, we’re at the start of the input file, and haven’t read any of it yet. If the program has a line with the special pattern BEGIN, then
do the action specified for this pattern. Main loop, going through the input file: {
inputLine := next line of input file
Go to the start of the program.
Inner loop, going through the program: {
programLine := next line of program (but ignore any BEGIN and END lines) if inputLine contains a string that matches the pattern in programLine, then
if there is an action specified in the programLine, then {
} }
do this action }
just print inputLine
// it goes to standard output
If the program has a line with the special pattern END, then do the action specified for this pattern.
Any output is sent to standard output.
You should read about the basics of awk, including the way it represents regular expressions and
the main instruction types used in its actions. Any of the following sources should be a reasonable place to start:
• A. V. Aho, B. W. Kernighan and P. J. Weinberger, The AWK Programming Language, Addison-Wesley, New York, 1988.
(The first few sections of Chapter 1 should have most of what you need, but be aware also of the regular expression specification on p28.)
• the Wikipedia article looks ok
• the awk manpage.
Problem 1. [4 marks]
(a good, short introduc-
Suppose you have a file of English words, with one word (and no other characters) on each line of the file.
(a) Write a regular expression (in the format used by awk) that matches only strings occupying an entire line, that start and end with st, and contain at least one vowel.1
(b) Write an awk script that takes an input file of words and determines the number of words in the file that both start and end with st, and contain at least one vowel.
Introduction to the next task
In Problem 2, you will not need to write much code yourself: maybe about half-a-dozen lines, or less, of sed! But your sed code will generate thousands of lines of awk code, which in turn will be used to analyse the frequency of Greek and Latin roots in English words.
For the purposes of this Problem, a root of an English word is a subword that is derived from another language, has meaning in its own right, and brings some of that meaning into the English word containing it. This definition is looser than that used in linguistics, and embraces some related concepts such as stems, prefixes, and suffixes.
You’ll find a list of Greek and Latin roots for English words in the file
which you’ll find in Moodle under week 4. This file was obtained from https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_Greek_and_Latin_roots_in_English by removal of information we don’t need, some reformatting, and some cleaning up. Every line of this file contains, in order: the root, a space, a tab, a single word “Greek” or “Latin” stating which language the root comes from, and another space. The root is given as a string of lower-case characters with a hyphen at one or both ends. For example, here are four lines from the file.2
abac- Greek
-quir- Latin
-oid Greek
A hyphen indicates that, when this root appears in an English word, there must be more letters on the side of the word indicated by the hyphen. A side without a hyphen must be the start or end of the English word. So, the root abac- must appear at the start of the word and must be followed
1Part (a) does not need to be submitted as a separate file, since its answer is included in (b).
2The tabs may not survive translation into this PDF document, but they’ll be there in the file! The imperfect alignment is an effect of varying word length together with the tab in each line; this is not a concern.
by something else, as in abacus; the root -oid must appear at the end of the word and must be preceded by something else, as in asteroid; and the root -quir- must be in the middle of the word, with something else on each side, as in enquiry.3
Our aim is to take a large file of English words and estimate the number of words with Greek roots and the number of words with Latin roots. Our method will be as follows.
1. Useasedscript,whichwe’llcallbuild-awk,toconvertthefileroots-in-English-from-Wikipedia-simple to an awk script.
2. Run the generated awk script on the input file of English words to produce a count of the number of words with Greek roots, and the number of words with Latin roots, in the file.
Our plan, with the appropriate roles and relationships for the files, is shown in the diagram below.
sed -f build-awk … > analyseGrLa
manually append line for END
awk -f analyseGrLa inputFileOfWords
Problem 2. [10 marks]
(a) Write the sed script, build-awk:
Write a sed script, build-awk, to convert each line of the list of roots, roots-in-English-from-Wikipedia-simple,
into a line of an awk script, analyseGrLa, that can be used to detect words with Greek or Latin roots and find how many there are of each type.
You’ll probably need to write three lines of sed: one for roots that are prefixes (e.g., abac-); one for roots that are suffixes (e.g., -oid), and one for roots that appear in the middle of a word (e.g., -quir-).
Each root is to be converted to an appropriate regular expression (between forward-slashes, /. . . /, in usual awk format) with an appropriate action (between braces, {…}). The regular expression
3All this is a simplification of how these roots can be extended to words, but we’ll make these assumptions for this Assignment.
must match precisely those words that contain the root in the required way. (The root uses hyphens to indicate the allowed containments, but you’ll have to use regular expression machinery.) If a match occurs, then the appropriate total of word types must be updated. If the root is Greek, we update the Greek total; if the root is Latin, we update the Latin total.
The method of counting here is somewhat imperfect, since some words may have both Greek and Latin elements and be counted as both, while others may contain several roots from one of the languages and so count several times towards the total for that language. We will not worry about these particular imperfections; you just have to count the number of times a word in the input file matches a root for that language, and report that total for each of the two languages. But there are bonus marks for a more sophisticated approach; see below.
The effect of using sed -f build-awk is illustrated in the following table. (Note, though, that we just call sed once; that’s enough to do all the line transformations.)
File with all the roots: roots-in-English. . .
Generated awk script: analyseGrLa
/reg. exp. for abac. . . /
/reg. exp. for . . . quir. . . / .
/reg. exp. for . . . oid/
{ action: matching word has Greek origin }
{ action: matching word has Latin origin }
{ action: matching word has Greek origin }
abac- Greek
-quir- Latin
-oid Greek
Once the awk script is generated, it will need an extra line on the end, using the special pattern END, to report the totals. You can add this manually. An efficient way of doing this is to write a one-line file (called endline, say), containing END followed by its corresponding action in braces, and manually append this to your awk script analyseGrLa whenever you generate that script from sed -f build-awk.
(b) analyseGrLa:
Provide the generated awk script analyseGrLa, including the extra line you added at the end,
as your answer to this part.
(c) Using your awk script:
Choose a long English text file (at least 10,000 words), with one word per line, and no non-
alphabetic characters. This could be either
• a standard word list, with as many words as possible; or
• the words from a long English text file, such as the one you used for Lab 0, Part 6, Exercise 1.
These two options are different in nature; the former takes no account of how frequent words are in typical English text, and has no repetitions; the latter has many words that reappear many times through the text, so words of high frequency will make a greater contribution to the results. Either option is fine. It will be interesting to compare the results from the two kinds of data. But, for your submission, you only need to do one of the two options.
You will most likely need to clean up your chosen file somewhat, to remove nonalphabetic charac- ters, put one word on each line, etc. This can be done using the tools and techniques you developed in Lab 0. Indeed, you may find that you already have a suitable file from your work for that Lab.
Run your awk script, analyseGrLa, on your inputFileOfWords. Your submission for this part must include:
• specification of the source of the file (e.g., URL with date downloaded); 5
• the number of words in the file;
• a short description of what changes you made to the file and what tool was used (e.g., removed
punctuation using tr; line breaks between words using sed; . . . etc.);
• the output, which should just be one line, or only a few lines.
All this information, including the output, is to be placed in a single file.
Bonus Marks if you can get your awk script to find, for each word in inputFileOfWords, its Greek and Latin proportions, defined as follows:
If the word has at least one Greek or Latin roots, then
number of Greek roots it has, total number of roots it has
number of Latin roots it has, total number of roots it has
number of Greek roots it has + number of Latin roots it has. In this case, the two proportions must add up to 1.
Otherwise — i.e., if the word has no Greek or Latin roots at all — then Greek proportion = 0,
Latin proportion = 0.
Your awk script must add up all the Greek proportions, and all the Latin proportions, and output
them at the end. It must also output the number of words with no Greek or Latin root.
Problem 3. [6 marks]
A chord is a string of length either one or two, over the alphabet {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, ♭, ♯}, in which the first character must be a letter, and the second character, if it exists, must be either ♭ or ♯.
Examples of chords include: •A
• D♭
• B♯
Examples of strings that are not chords include:
• ♯C • FG • B♭♭
A valid chord sequence is a string of characters containing chords and whitespace, where each pair of chords is separated by a single space, and there is no leading or trailing whitespace. The length of a chord sequence is the number of characters, including spaces, in that sequence.
Examples of chord sequences (and their corresponding lengths) are: 6
Greek proportion =
Latin proportion =
total number of roots it has =
• CA♭F♯DG(length11)
• B (length 1)
• E♯ A C♭ (length 7)
Examples of strings that are not chord sequences are: • ABC
Let an be the number of chord sequences of length n.
(a) Find a1, a2, a3, and a4.
(b) Give (with justification) an expression for an in terms of an−2 and an−3, that works for all n ≥ 4. (c) Prove, by induction on n, that an ≤ 3.8n for all n ≥ 2.
FOR BONUS MARKS: see if you can use a lower number instead of 3.8 here, and still get the proof to work. How low can you go?