Python代写 | UTS 54063 Code as Literacy


54063 Code as Literacy, Commodity, Infrastructure
Course area Delivery Credit points Requisite(s)
Result type
UTS: Communication Spring 2019; City 8cp
Subject description
This subject examines how data and algorithmic processes have impacted our everyday life and establishes basic code literacy for the students. Contemporary code formations are positioned in historical and theoretical contexts, and reflexively explored as languages through which humans and machines communicate with each other. Students form a personal perspective on code as a digital form of reading and writing that evolves throughout their professional lives as digital and social media practitioners, and articulate this perspective in a digital media form.
Subject learning objectives (SLOs)
a. Explain and critique the practical and theoretical concepts that underpin code
b. Engage in self-reflective professional development
c. Develop basic code literacy
d. Analyse popular narratives around code and evaluate their implications for digital and social media industries and infrastructures
Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)
This subject engages with the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs), which are tailored to the Graduate Attributes set for all graduates of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:
Possess a well-developed awareness of professional practice in the context of the communication industries (1.1)
Apply theoretically informed understanding of the communication industries in independent and collaborative projects across a range of media (1.2)
Possess information literacy skills to locate, gather, organise and synthesise information across diverse platforms to inform the understanding of the communication industries (2.1)
Be reflexive critical thinkers and creative practitioners who are intellectually curious, imaginative and innovative,
with an ability to evaluate their own and others’ work (2.2)
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with an ability to evaluate their own and others’ work (2.2)
Demonstrate an awareness and knowledge of global contexts and openness to cultural exchange (3.1)
Possess well-developed skills and proficiencies to communicate and respond effectively and appropriately across different contexts (6.1)
Teaching and learning strategies
This subject incorporates a pedagogical strategy that integrates contextual and historical knowledge, theories, concepts, academic literature, design thinking, and technical skills. Teaching strategies promote interactive, collaborative learning with a ‘learning by doing’ approach to foster exploration extending beyond the classroom. The weekly program includes student engagement with online pre-class learning materials, lectures, group discussions and workshops expanding upon selected themes and readings, to convey the theories and concepts of digital communication technologies and social media. Alongside these broader discussions, students will develop code literacy through a combination of readings, lectures, tutorial activities and self-paced learning. By the end of the subject, students will be able to understand the essential principles of coding languages and the current state of scholarly approaches to code. Self-paced activities and non-face-to-face teaching weeks enable students to develop the conceptual and digital skills necessary for completion of practical aspects of assignments.
Content (topics)
This subject begins with an exploration of code and computing cultures from a historical, theoretical and practical perspective, drawing on recent media studies literature that examines how code impacts on digital and social media industries and infrastructures and structures aspects of our everyday life. The subject then goes on to consider broader social and cultural issues that circulate around code including the emergence of open source software, the gendered histories of computing and how code causes us to reconsider existing approaches to materiality.
Program Week/Session Dates
1 22Jul
2 29Jul
We have a short “getting ready” session instead of a formal lecture. There is no tutorial this week. However, there will be essential orientation activities to complete in preparation of Week 2. You can find instructions on what you need to do our own
standalone site for this subject: visit
Introducing Code as Literacy, Commodity, Infrastructure
Ford, P. 2015. ‘What is Code’, Chapter 2, 2.0 – 2.3. Bloomberg Business Week, June 11.
Spend some time exploring the resources on or YouTube, and elsewhere looking at programming languages and programming projects, and attempt to complete part of a programming tutorial. In our first tutorial, we use Jupyter Notebook to code interactively. Get ready here:
What is Code and how do we study it?
Ford, P. 2015. ‘What is Code’, Chapter 3, 3.0 – 3.4. Bloomberg Business Week, June 11.
Continue to explore coding resources and experiment with a programming language, and workshop ideas for your major coding artefact in class. Get ready to replicate the Python code used in the tutorials by installing Anaconda:
3 5Aug
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4 12 Aug
Histories and cultures of code
5 19 Aug
6 26 Aug
Barnet, B. 2013. ‘The magical place of literary memory: Xanadu’, in _Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext_, Anthem Books, London, pp. 65 – 90.
Continue to explore Lynda and work through Code tutorials on DSMCode site before class.
This week’s class will host Assignment 1 presentations.
The Internet and Computer Hardware
Shuler, R. 2002. ‘How Does the Internet Work?’ Pomeroy IT Solutions.
This week will conclude Assignment 1 presentations and time permitting continue to
work through DSMCode Python tutorials to develop practical skill in Python.
Theorising Code: The Material Turn & Code as Law
Kittler, F. ‘There is No Software’ in Kittler, F., 1997, Literature, Media, Information Systems, G+B Arts, Amsterdam, pp. 147-155.
Lessig, L. 2003, ‘Law regulating code regulating law’, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 1 – 14.
This week we discuss two important theoretical contributions to our understanding of the nature and role of code – studies of materiality & software, and looking at the role code plays in enforcing and upholding laws. We also contiue working through DSMCode Python tutorials.
Code in Popular Culture
Streeter, T. 2005. ‘The Moment of Wired’, Critical Inquiry, vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 755 – 779.
This week we consider the ways code has been influced by popular culture, and how popular culture is influenced by code. We also continue working through DSMCode Python tutorials.
No classes.
Algorithms and the politics of taste
Striphas, T. 2015, ‘Algorithmic Culture’, European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol.18, no. 4-5, pp. 395-412.
Morris, J. W. 2015, ‘Curation by code: Infomediaries and the data mining of taste’ European Journal of Cultural Studies, vol. 18, no. 4-5, pp.446-463.
This week looks at how culture and especially ‘taste’ is now crucially infused with the logics of algorithms and procedure, and the effects this has begun to have on the ways we develop and acquire a sense of cultural ‘taste’.
7 2 Sept
9 Sept
8 16 Sept
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9 23 Sept
Code and Gender
10 30 Sept
Light, J. S. 1999, ‘When computers were women’, Technology and Culture, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 455-483.
This week we look at the historically gendered nature of computation, focussing particularly on the relegation of often crucial labour done by women to the background in coding history and contemporary narratives.
Finding and visualising open data
Browse some of the NYTimes ‘best visualisations’ to see how they have visualised and communicated different data formations using code.
Cairo, A., 2016. What we talk about when we talk about visualization, in: The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication. New Riders, Indianapolis, IN.
This week we discuss data visualisation: how to find and utilise open data and free APIs (such as ABS statistical data, flood mapping information data, etc.) and how to visualise this data in interesting and valuable ways.
Moving beyond code: placing code in context
Kennedy, J., Meese, J. and van der Nagel, E., 2016, ‘Regulation and social practice online’, Continuum,vol. 30, no. 2, pp.146-157.
In this week we are well and truly on our way towards completion of code artifacts and will dedicate some time in class to progressing them and workshopping the written journal components.
Summary Lecture
Crawford, K., Joler, V., 2018. Anatomy of an AI System. Anatomy of an AI System.
The final week is dedicated to workshopping and finalising code artifacts and progress journals. Bring along your finished or near finished code projects for short, informal presentations of the work you have done this semester.
11 7 Oct
12 14 Oct
The first few weeks include an introduction to coding through structured step-by-step tutorials that walk through some basic programming examples using Python and the Django framework. Students receive feedback on their project proposal as well as ongoing feedback in class from tutors, as well as peer feedback through group learning.
Assessment task 1: Project Presentation and Peer Feedback
Objective(s): a, b and d
Weight: 30%
Task: Students will give a 5 minute presentation outlining a self-devised programme that will further their code literacy. Code literacy may be displayed through the production of code, or can be demonstrated by the production of a creative artefact. This could involve producing a podcast, video, written piece or artistic work that discusses code in a critical fashion or the production of code in a physical setting. The presentation will outline the proposed project, the resources needed, a feasible timeline and a description of the output. Students will also be marked on their participation and will be
expected to deliver considered feedback to other presenters.
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Length: Due:
Criteria linkages:
expected to deliver considered feedback to other presenters. 5 minutes
11.59pm Friday 23 August 2019
You will present either on Wed 14th or 21st August. Submit your presentation via Turnitin by Friday 23rd August.
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs
CILOs a, b 6.1
a, b 2.2 a, d 3.1
Further information:
This assignment should be submitted via Turnitin. Students are required to keep a copy of the Turnitin receipt as proof of submission.
Comprehensiveness and clarity of the presentation
Relevance of proposed program to the goals of the subject
Participation in feedback process
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes
50 30 20
Assessment task 2: Journal
Objective(s): Weight: Task:
a, b and c 30%
Students will produce 5 critical, self-reflective journal entries (at a minimum), which detail their development of code literacy across the
semester. Each entry should be 500 words or an equivalent length if using audio-visual media (6 minute entries). The journal will reflect on
the gradual development of the artefact, the educational process the student has undertaken and will also engage with popular and
scholarly analyses of code. There are no restrictions on the journal platform but copies of any written journal text should also be submitted
through Turn It In at the end of semester.
5 x 500 word posts or 6 minutes entries (max)
11.59pm Monday 28 October 2019
These should be composed progressively throughout the semester as the project proceeds. The entire collection is due at 11:59 pm Monday 28th of October. If the entries are in a text format, this should be submitted through Turnitin. We encourage you to use a public or private social platform (i.e. Medium/YouTube) to document your learning, and the Python tutorials in class will help you produce a personal blog that is suitable for storing and displaying your journal entries.
Criteria Weight (%) SLOs CILOs
Evidence of understanding principles and 40 a 1.1 concepts involved in the topic
Length: Due:
Criteria linkages:
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Evidence of self-reflection and professional development.
Clarity of expression and appropriate academic referencing
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes
40 c 2.1 20 b 6.1
information: Turnitinreceiptasproofofsubmission.
Assessment task 3: Artefact
This assignment should be submitted via Turnitin. Students are required to keep a copy of the
Objective(s): Weight: Task:
Length: Due:
Criteria linkages:
a, b and c 40%
Students will submit an artefact that demonstrates critical code literacy as well as a 250 word explanatory piece.
Artefact and 250 word piece.
11.59pm Monday 28 October 2019
Please discuss with your tutor the ideal submission format for your code artefact – this may include: directly emailing it to your tutor, handing it to them in class, providing a link to a video demonstration, etc. The 250 word statement and written code can be submitted in plain text form to Turnitin as one document.
. Evidence of understanding principles and concepts involved in the topic
Innovation and creativity of artefact
Evidence of original research extending knowledge and understanding of material introduced in lectures and tutorials
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes
Weight (%) SLOs
30 a 1.1
40 c 1.2 30 b 2.1
Minimum requirements
Attendance at tutorials is essential in this subject. Classes are based on a collaborative approach that involves essential work-shopping and interchange of ideas with other students and the tutor. A roll will be taken at each class. Students who have more than two absences from class will be refused final assessment (see Rule 3.8).​
In this subject assessment tasks are cumulative so that each task builds understanding and/or skills, informed by formative feedback. Consequently, all assessments must be submitted in order for you to receive feedback. Students who do not submit all assessments will not pass the subject.
Required texts
There are no required texts for this subject. Required and recommended readings will be available via UTS Library and the online UTS site.
References Further References:
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Berry, D. 2012, ‘The Relevance of Understanding Code to International Political Economy’, International Politics vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 277–296.
Berry, D. 2008, Copy, Rip, Burn: The Politics of Copyleft and Open Source, Pluto Press, London. Berry, D. 2011,The Philosophy of Software. Code and Mediation in the Digital Age, Palgrave, London.
Bucher, T. 2012, ‘Want to Be on the Top? Algorithmic Power and the Threat of Invisibility on Facebook’, New Media & Society vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 1164–80.
Cairo, A., 2016. The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication. New Riders, Indianapolis, IN.
Cox, G. & McLean, A. 2013, Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Chun, W. 2008, ‘On “Sourcery”, or Code as Fetish’, Configurations vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 299-324.
Chun, W. 2011, Programmed Visions: Software and Memory, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Crawford, K. 2015, ‘Can an Algorithm Be Agonistic? Ten Scenes from Life in Calculated Publics’, Science, Technology & Human Values, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 77 – 92.
Crawford, K. & Schultz, J. 2014, ‘Big Data and Due Process: Toward a Framework to Redress Predictive Privacy Harms’, Boston College Law Review, vol. 55, no. 1, 93 – 128.
Crawford, K., Joler, V., 2018. Anatomy of an AI System [WWW Document]. Anatomy of an AI System. URL
Frabetti, F. 2014, Software Theory: A Cultural and Philosophical Study, Rowman and Littlefield, London.
Fuller, M. 2003, Behind the Blip: Essays on the Culture of Software, Autonomedia, New York.
Fuller, M. (ed) Software Studies: A Lexicon, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Fuller, M. 2008, ‘Introduction: The Stuff of Software’ in Fuller, M. (ed) Software Studies: A Lexicon, Cambridge: MIT Press. pp. 1-13.
Galloway, A, 2004, Protocol: How Control Exists After Decentralization, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Golumbia, D. 2009, The Cultural Logic of Computation. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Gillespie, T. 2014, ‘The Relevance of Algorithms’ in T. Gillespie, P. Boczkowsi, K. Foot (eds) Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Hayles, K. 2004, ‘Print is flat, code is deep: The importance of media-specific analysis’, Poetics Today, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 67-90.
Kelty, C. 2008, Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software. Duke University Press, Durham, NC. Kirschenbaum, M. 2008, Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic Imagination, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Kittler, F. 1990. Discourse Networks: 1800/1900, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
Kittler, F.1999. Gramaphone, Film, Typewriter, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
Lessig, L. 1999, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, Basic Books, New York.
Mackenzie, A. 2005, ‘The Performativity of Code Software and Cultures of Circulation’, Theory, Culture & Society vol.
22, no. 1, pp. 71–92.
Mackenzie, A. 2006, Cutting Code: Software and Sociality, Peter Lang, London.
Mackenzie, A., & Vurdubakis, T. 2011, ‘Codes and Codings in Crisis Signification, Performativity and Excess’, Theory, Culture & Society, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 3 – 23.
Montfort, N. et al. & N. Vawter, 2012, ‘PRINT CHR $(205.5+ RND (1));: GOTO 10’, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Takhteyev, Y. 2012, Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. Whitelaw, M. 2011, ‘After the Screen: Array Aesthetics and Transmateriality’, Column, 7, pp. 50-57.
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Seaver, N. 2013, ‘Knowing Algorithms’, in Media in Transition 8. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. See
Assessment: faculty procedures and advice
Refer to the faculty’s Student Study Guide for information about assessment, special consideration, student misconduct and referencing requirements.
Academic integrity
Students are advised that academic integrity is required by the Student Code of Conduct. Suspected incidences of plagiarism or other academic misconduct will by referred to the University. Students are advised to complete the module on Academic Integrity under the General Resources tab on the subject site at UTS Online to make sure they are aware of their responsibilities and how to avoid plagiarism.
Statement on copyright
Teaching materials and resources provided to students at UTS are protected by copyright. Students are not permitted to re-use those for commercial purposes (including in kind benefit or gain) without permission of the copyright owner. Improper or illegal use of teaching materials may lead to prosecution for copyright infringement.
Statement on plagiarism
UTS takes any form of academic misconduct very seriously. The policies and guidelines regarding plagiarism and academic integrity are enforced in this subject.
Students are strongly advised to read and familiarise themselves with the university’s advice on academic integrity, plagiarism and cheating.
Statement on UTS email account
Email from the University to a student will only be sent to the student’s UTS email address. Email sent from a student to the University must be sent from the student’s UTS email address. University staff will not respond to email from any other email accounts for currently enrolled students.
This outline serves as a supplement to the faculty’s Student Study Guide. On all matters not specifically covered in this outline, the requirements specified in the guide apply.
This outline was generated on the date indicated in the footer. Subsequent minor changes may have been made.
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