Python辅导 | Linked Positional List
本次澳洲DA辅导主要内容是要求使用Java辅导和Python分别实现Linked Positional List的数据结构。
In both programming languages, there is an empty main function in the Linked Positional List file. The main function is not being tested and it is there as an option for you to use for your own testing / running.
Please uncomment the language you are using in the LANGUAGE file. The linked positional list supports the following functionality:
The documented positional list interface is in and the class you need to implement is in There is a which supplies the class of nodes to be added to the list, this class does not require any editing.
The documented positional list interface is in and the class you need to implement is in
Differences in the linked positional interface:
All method names are in snake case (method_name) as per Python language convention, rather than camel case (methodName).
Example Execution:
Starting with an empty list, the header sentinel and the trailer.