python辅导 | COMP3900-9900 – 2019 T3

COMP3900-9900 – 2019 T3
Project 5
Assistant for preparation for radiology examination
Complex medical examinations require appropriate preparation of a person
prior the visit to the clinic. Radiological imaging is comprised of several
different modalities. The method of imaging dictates patient preparation.
There are many web-portals that have published guides for patient
preparation for radiological investigations or procedures. However, it is not
very easy for a person to find the appropriate information.
Having a personal medical assistant who can talk to you, ask you a few basic
questions that the nurse and the doctor will ask prior the examination can
help you to prepare the required information.
The assistant can find and show you information on how to prepare for
different procedures, which can also be of great help. It can also help you to
find and book a time for a particular procedure.
This project aims to develop a system that does three things:
• Enable a user to get the necessary information on
– what a patient needs to know for a certain examination
– how to prepare, what questions will be asked and what to bring.
• Help the user to find a radiologist and to book a time for an examination.
The system should be able to search the existing radiologists and to
find and book a slot. It also will notify the user when the provider
confirms the appointment.
• Enable a radiologist to add additional questions and information to the
user prior confirming the booking
A Python-based solution is preferred (but not required) using:
1. modern development frameworks,
2. cloud-based architectures, and
3. building a solution which leverages on existing services/APIs without
creating a full dependency on the selected tools.
It is essential that the system requirements are refined with the stakeholders
and that the engineering of the system is thought through properly before
building the individual components.
Additional material and some useful references Topic 5 (Assistant for
preparation for radiology examination)
1. A general guide to patient preparation for radiological investigations
2. How to Prepare for an MRI
3. Community Radiology Associates
4. Swiss radiology portal -patient preparation for radiological procedures
5. I-MED l Procedures – I-MED Radiology
6. Architecture for building Conversational Agents that support
Collaborative Learning
7. Dialogue and Conversational Agents
8. Conversational Agents, Dan Jurafsky Stanford University
9. Dialogflow – Build natural and rich conversational experiences https://