Python神经网络代写 | Computer vision 2021 Assignment 3: image classification


2 Question 1: Perceptron training algorithm (30%)
Below is the usual code to import libraries we need. You can modify it as needed.
[ ]: import numpy as np # This is for mathematical operations
# this is used in plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import pylab as pl
from IPython import display
%matplotlib inline
from perceptron import *
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%reload_ext autoreload
1. Starting from the boiler plate code provided in, implement the perceptron
training algorithm as seen in the lecture. This perceptron takes a 2D point as input and clas-
sifies it as belonging to either class 0 or 1. By changing the number_of_samples parameter,
different sample sizes can be generated for both classes.
You need the address the section of the code marked with #TODO
[ ]: number_of_samples = 100
max_number_of_epochs = 10
X = np.random.rand(number_of_samples,2)
X = np.append(X, np.ones((X.shape[0],1)),axis = 1)

Y = X[:,1] > (X[:,0])
Y = np.float32(Y)
Y = Y.reshape((number_of_samples,1))
p = Perceptron(3)
2. The code plots the ground-truth boundary between the two classes. We know this is the
ground-truth because this is the boundary from which we generated data. However, even
though the estimated line can correctly classify all the training samples, it might not agree
with the ground-truth boundary.
• Explain why this happens.
• What is the potential disadvantage of such a decision boundary?
• How could you change the training algorithm to reduce this disadvantage? (Implementation
not required)
[ ]: ### Your answer here (use multiple cells if required, to answer any question in␣
,→this assignment)
3. In some training sessions, you might observe the boundary oscillating between two solutions
and not reaching 100% accuracy. Discuss why this can happen and modify the training
algorithm to correct this behaviour. We will call this the modified algorithm. (Hint: learning
[ ]: ### Your answer here
4. Random initialization causes the algorithm to converge in different number of epochs. Execute
the training algorithm on sample sizes of 10, 50, 500 and 5000. Report in a table the mean
number of epochs required to converge for both the original and the modified algorithm.
Which algorithm performs better and why? Is there a clear winner?
[ ]: ### Your answer here
3 Question 2: Multiclass classifier (30%)
Pat yourselves on the back, you have successfully trained a binary classifier. Now, its time to
move to 3 classes. The dataset we are going on work on is shown below and contains three classes
represented by different colors.