Python游戏代写 | COMS 4701 Artificial Intelligence Homework 2 – Conceptual

本次美国代写是Python N-puzzle game编程的一个assignment

Please review the lectures and the required materials before answering these questions.

Consider the following graph. Edges between nodes may only be traversed in the direction indicated by the
arrow. We will search the graph with the algorithms we learned, keeping a full explored set as we go. Let S be
the start and G the goal. As usual, where an arbitrary choice has to be made, assume that nodes are visited in
lexicographical order. The table provides the value of the heuristic function for each node:

1. What is the order of visit and path obtained with BFS? Show the queue.
2. What is the order of visit and path obtained with DFS? Show the stack.
3. What is the order of visit and path obtained with UCS? Show the priority queue. If some keys change,
show the change.
4. What is the order of visit and path obtained with A*? Show the priority queue. If some keys change, show
the change.

1. For a MinSup=30% and a MinConf=60%, will the Apriori algorithm discover the rule below? Justify your

Mac  –  Pc

2. Are PC and Mac purchases independent of each other? What type of relationship exist between them?