Python代写 | Visual analysis of the COVID-19


These two pictures are about the visual analysis of the COVID-19 virus in 2020. The
original data comes from the COVID-19 epidemic data of each country and region
every day ( These data
include data related to the COVID-19 epidemic, such as date, all cases, new cases
per day, all dead cases, and new cases per day. It is worth noting that many of these
data are Null value due to imperfect statistical information. In order to better
observe the monthly data changes of each country, we have carried out a series of
preprocessing on the data. Including the aggregation of total cases, new cases, total
death cases, and new death cases. In addition, in order to measure the lethality of
the COVID-19 epidemic in different countries or regions at different times, we also
designed the fatality rate indicator, which is calculated by dividing the number of
new deaths in the current month by the total cases in the current month.

Observe the two graphs. The y-axis of Figure 1 represents the fatality rate. This value
is based on our previous calculations. Its x-axis represents the confirmed new cases,
and each point in it represents a different country or region. Data at different times
(months). The reason we created this picture is to observe whether the fatality rate
of the COVID-19 epidemic in different countries in the world has changed with the
increase of confirmed cases. The only difference from Figure 1 is that in order to
observe the data more clearly, the x-axis of Figure 2 represents the log value of the
new cases.

From Figure 1, we can find that when the number of new cases is low, the fatality
rate of the COVID-19 virus is very high because each country or region is not ready.
However, as the number of new cases increases, each country or region is with
certain experience in treating COVID-19 virus, the fatality rate has slowly dropped.
However, it is not optimistic that the number of new cases of COVID-19 virus
continues to increase. Even if the mortality rate drops, the number of deaths
continues to rise.

Compared with Figure 1, in Figure 2, we use log value instead of the original value.
This operation makes the data distribution more balanced, which is conducive to
our observation. On the whole, the information it conveys is similar to Figure 1.

Through the observation of these two pictures, we can draw the following
conclusions. With the improvement of medical technology and the attention of the
government and the public, the fatality rate of the COVID-19 virus has dropped to
a certain extent, but new cases are still emerging. , Even if the fatality rate is low, the
number of new deaths per day is still rising. Through these data, we should pay
more attention to this epidemic and make adequate preparations to protect
ourselves and our families.