Python代写 | Homework 6: Search Server-side Scripting
本次美国代写主要为python flask网页的homework
1.1. Cloud exercise
The back end of this homework must be implemented in the cloud on Google Cloud App Engine,
using Python.
● See assignment #5 for installation of needed components on Google Cloud.
● See the hints in section 3; a lot of reference material is provided to you.
● For Python and Flask kick-start, please refer to the Lecture slides on the class website.
● You must refer to the grading guidelines, the video, the specs, and Piazza. Styling will be
graded, and the point’s breakup is mentioned in the grading guidelines.
2. Description
In this exercise, you are asked to create a webpage that allows you to search for events
information using the Ticketmaster API, and the results will be displayed in a tabular format.
The page will also provide event details.
2.1. Description of the Search Form
The user first opens a web page (for example, event.html, or any valid web page name). You
should use the API (See hint 3.3) to fetch the user’s geolocation, after which the search
button should be enabled (it is initially greyed out and disabled when the page loads).
The user must enter a keyword and choose what Category of the event he/she wants to search
(categories include Music, Sports, Arts & Theatre, Film, Miscellaneous) from a drop-down list.
The default value for the “Category” drop-down list is “Default”, which covers all the “types”
provided by the Ticketmaster API.
Also, the user can choose the distance (in miles), which is the radius for the search where the
center is “Here” (the current location returned from API) or the location listed in the
edit box. When the “Here” radio button is selected, the location edit box must be disabled. When
the location edit box is selected, it is a required field, and a location string must be entered. The
default distance is 10 miles from the chosen location. Use HTML5 “placeholder” to show the
string “location” in the location edit box and “10” in the Distance edit box as the initial values.
An example is shown in Figure 1.