Python代写 | FE-520 Assignment 2

FE-520 Assignment 2
February 25, 2020
1 Loop Condition Practice(30 pts)
A ball falls freely from a certain height. After each landing, it bounces back to 1/4 of
its original height, then it falls again. Define a function(name: Ball Drop) with two
arguments, one is the original height, another one is the number of landing (Set this
is a default value with 5). Return the meters it bounces after the number of specific
OriginalHeight = 100
NumLanding = 2
Total traveling distance = 100+25+25+6.25=156.25
Return: 6.25
2 String Practice
2.1 (25pt)
You are required to write a function(name: Get Token) which can take a string as its
argument, and return a dictionary. 1) This function will split this string by blank space
into a list of sub-string, 2) then turn each element in this list into lower case without
any punctuation (including special characters like ’\n’, ’\t’, etc.) and empty string. 3)
if a token starts with or ends with a punctuation, remove the punctuation, e.g. ”world!”
to ”world”, ”’hello’”to ”hello”. (Hint: you may need to use string.punctuation method
by importing string). 4) After this, compute the frequency of each element in this list,
and make a dictionary whose key is the element (sub-string) and value is the frequency.
5) Use string formatting to print out a sentence describing the most frequent word and
its frequency in this string. 6) Return the dictionary you created in step 4.
Here is an example,
>>> myString = ’’’
This course is designed for those students have no experience or
limited experience on Python. This course will cover the basis
syntax rules, modules, importing packages (Numpy, pandas), data
visualization, and Intro for machine learning on Python. You will
need to implement what you learn from this course to do a finance
related project. This course aims to get you familiar with Python
language, and can finish a simple project with Python.
>>> ret = myFun(myString)
The most frequent key is ’this’, its frequency is 4.
>>> print(ret)
{’this’: 4, ’course’: 4, ’is’: 1, ’designed’: 1, ’for’: 2,
’those’: 1, ’students’: 1, ’have’: 1, ’no’: 1, ’experience’: 2,
’or’: 1, ’limited’: 1, ’on’: 2, ’python’: 4, ’will’: 2,
’cover’: 1, ’the’: 1, ’basis’: 1, ’syntax’: 1, ’rules’: 1,
’modules’: 1, ’importing’: 1, ’packages’: 1, ’numpy’: 1,
’pandas’: 1, ’data’: 1, ’visualization’: 1, ’and’: 2,
’intro’: 1, ’machine’: 1, ’learning’: 1, ’you’: 3, ’need’: 1,
’to’: 3, ’implement’: 1, ’what’: 1, ’learn’: 1, ’from’: 1,
’do’: 1, ’finance’: 1, ’related’: 1, ’project’: 2, ’aims’: 1,
’get’: 1, ’familiar’: 1, ’with’: 2, ’language’: 1, ’can’: 1,
’finish’: 1, ’simple’: 1}
3 Step to Fibonacci sequence
Define a function (name: Step 2 Fibo) that, given an integer X and a default-value parameter
isIncrement = True, returns an integer that corresponds to the minimum
number of steps required to change X to a Fibonacci number.
In each step, you can either increment or decrement the current number depending on
, i.e. you can change X to X+1 if isIncrement = True or X-1 if isIncrement =
X will be between 0 and 1,000,000 inclusive.
The Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows:
for each i >= 2: F[i]=F[i-1]+F[i-2]
The elements of the Fibonacci sequence are called Fibonacci numbers. The following
sequence shows some elements at the head of this sequence:
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, · · · ]
For example, for X=15 and isIncrement=False the function should return 2, because
the closest Fibonacci number on the left is 13, thus 15−13 = 2; If isIncrement=True,
then the result should be 6 because 21 − 15 = 6.
For X=1 or X=13 the function should return 0.
4 Identity Substring
Write a function (name: identi Substring) that, given a string S, returns an integer that
represents the numbers of ways in which we can select a non-empty substring of S
where all of the characters of the substring are identical. Two substrings with the same
letters but different in locations are still considered different.
For example, the string ”zzzyz” contains 8 such substrings. Four instances of ”z”,
two of ”zz”, one of ”zzz” and one instance of ”y”. String ”k” contains only one such
The length of S will be between 1 and 100, inclusive.
Each character in S will be a lowercase letter (a-z).
Submission Requirement:
For all the problems in this assignment you need to design and use Python 3, output
and present the results in nicely format.
In your python file, you need contain both function and test part of function. You
need to write your code into function with name provided (wrong name will get 0
points), and test your function in test block (if name == ” main ”: . You are
strongly encouraged to write comment for your code, because it is a convention to have
your code documented all the time.
Python script must be a ‘.py’ script, Jupyter notebook ‘.ipynb is not allowed. You
don’t need to submit pdf report this time. Do NOT copy and paste from others, all
homework will be firstly checked by plagiarism detection tool.