Python代写 | ES96T MSc Assignment: 2020

MSc Assignment: 2020
Assessment setter (module tutor): Dr Subhash Lakshminarayana
Assignment Weighting and typical hours work: 60% of the module, 90 hours.
Learning outcomes assessed:
• Model the downlink (DL) of a basic 4th generation (4G) cellular network using
MATLAB/Python software.
• Implement optimal radio resource management (RRM) in orthogonal frequency
division multiple access (OFDMA) system.
• Evaluate the gain achieved from optimal RRM in terms of the system throughput.
Context/Introduction/Background to the assignment: Based on Lectures
9-14 (4G cellular network) of the module along with further research required for
some questions.
Requirements/Task: Please answer all questions (two questions).
Formatting requirements: Electronic reports along with relevant MATLAB/Python
scripts must be submitted.
Submission date/deadline: Wednesday week 30 (22/04/2020) at 12.00 (mid-day)
via Tabula.
Assessment criteria/mark scheme: Marking is out of 100% and the marks
allocated to each question are shown at the end of each question. 80% of marks
attributed to technical quality of answers. 20% of marks attributed to presentation.
Additional Useful Resources: You will be able to download the pathloss information and the relevant research papers from the student resources in Moodle.
Feedback format: Each submitted report will be marked electronically and an
electronic copy of the feedback will be provided for each report.
1. (a) Construct a 2km × 2km square 2-dimensional simulation space. Divide
the simulation space into 4 square cells of dimension 1km × 1km. Place
a base station at the center of each cell. Then place a single user terminal per cell whose location is chosen according to a uniform random
distribution within the cell. Plot the site locations in a single plot with
different markers (e.g., triangle for BSs, and circle for UTs). (5 marks)
(b) Assume that the BSs of all four cells transmit at a power of 10 dBW and
the noise power is −104 dBm. Consider the 3GPP Urban Micro non-LoS
pathloss model (given in lecture notes and also in student resources), and
assume a carrier frequency of 2.1 GHz. The channel model must also
account for slow fading (shadowing). The gain due to antenna patterns
can be ignored. Considering the UT placement of Question 1(a), write a
MATLAB script to calculate the signal to interference noise (SINR) ratio
for each of the UTs. In your report, clearly describe the procedure used
to calculate the SINR along with the relevant equations.
(15 marks)
(c) Now assume that each cell divides the total available bandwidth into N
subchannels. The channel gain of each subchannel differs in terms of
its path loss and shadowing. Assume that the shadowing gain of each
subchannel is independent and identically distributed.
(40 marks)
(i) Write a MATLAB script to implement the iterative multi-user waterfilling algorithm to find the per BS optimal subchannel power
allocation that maximizes the sum rate of the all UTs in the system.
You may use reference [1] for multi-user water filling algorithm.
(ii) In a MATLAB plot, show the convergence of the downlink power
allocation by plotting the downlink power as a function of the iteration index for N = 4..
(iii) In your report, describe the algorithm used in your simulations
along with the relevant equations.
(iv) Tabulate the downlink rate of each UT. Compare the per user
downlink rate with that of a downlink power allocation strategy
in which each BS divides the transmit power equally between the
available subchannels.
(Total 60 Marks)
2. (a) Write a technical report to explain how optimization of joint scheduling
and dynamic power allocation is performed in OFDMA wireless communication systems to maximize the downlink sum rate. Use appropriate
equations and provide mathematical justifications in your report. You
may refer to reference [2]. (25 marks)
(b) In the simulation set up of Question 1, now consider K UTs per cell.
Write a MATLAB script to perform optimal joint scheduling and power
allocation. Compare the downlink sum rate with that of a downlink
power allocation strategy in which each BS divides the downlink power
equally between the available subchannels. (15 marks)
(Total 40 Marks)
[1] W. Yu, “Multiuser water-filling in the presence of crosstalk,” in Proc. Information Theory and Applications Workshop, Jan 2007, pp. 414–420.
[2] W. Yu, Taesoo Kwon, and Changyong Shin, “Joint scheduling and dynamic
power spectrum optimization for wireless multicell networks,” in Proc. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, March 2010, pp. 1–6.