Python代写|HW 6 | Appointment Reservation System



A common type of application that connects to a database is a reservation system, where users
schedule time slots for some centralized resource. In this assignment you will program part of
an appointment scheduler for vaccinations, where the users are patients and caregivers keeping
track of vaccine stock and appointments.

This application will run on the command line terminal, and connect to a database server you
create with your Microsoft Azure account.

You will have two main tasks:

● Complete the design of the database schema with an E/R diagram and create table

● Implement the code that stores Patient information, and lets users interactively schedule
their vaccine appointments. We have implemented the code that caregivers use to
manage the appointment slots and inventory, which will be a useful reference for you.

The implementation is broken up into two milestones, part 1 and part 2, described below.

Be Careful: This homework requires writing a non-trivial amount of code; our solution is about
600 lines, including the starter code. It will take SIGNIFICANTLY more time than your previous
assignments. We will show you the setup process and coding methods in section and lecture. It
is critical that you follow along


*Make sure to finish this part of the assignment and upload your setup verification of
step 2.4 for the first 5 points!*

2.1 Clone the starter code

1. Navigate to the Github repository hosting the starter code:

2. Click on the green button “Code” and select “Download ZIP” from the drop-down menu

3. Once your download completes, decompress the ZIP file and retrieve the starter code.

2.2 Read through the starter code

We created the important folders and files you will be using to build your application:

● src.main.scheduler/

■ This is the main entry point to the command-line interface application.
Once you compile and run, you should be able to interact
with the application.

■ This is a folder holding all of the important components related to your

■ This is a wrapper class for connecting to the
database. Read more in 2.3.4.

■ This is a folder holding all the class files for your data model.

■ You should implement all classes for your data model (e.g., patients,
caregivers) in this folder. We have created implementations for Caregiver
and Vaccines, and you need to complete the Patient class (which can
heavily borrow from Caregiver. Feel free to define more classes or
change our implementation if you want!

● src.main.resources/

○ create.sql: SQL create statements for your tables, we have included the create
table code for our implementation. You should copy, paste, and run the code
(along with all other create table statements) in your Azure Query Editor.