Python代写|Connect Four – Play v2


Your task in this question is to forbid illegal moves and detect winning/draw conditions. If
a player attempts to drop a disc in a column that is already full it is called an illegal
move. The move will be ignored at the same player will be prompted again. If player X
has won the game by being the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four
of his/her own discs, the game will output Player X has won!. If player O has won the
game by being the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of his/her
own discs, the game will output Player O has won!. If there is draw, i.e., no players can
place any discs any more because the board is full, the game will output Draw!

Investigate the following sample runs to understand the I/O requirements. Test your
program extensively by playing games for various win conditions.

def createBoard():
r, c = 6, 7
if ‘n’ == input(‘Standard game? (y/n): ‘):
r, c = int(input(‘r? (2 – 20): ‘)), int(input(‘c? (2 – 20): ‘))
return [[‘·’] * c for i in range(r)]
def printBoard(board):
r, c = len(board), len(board[0])
spaces = 1
if r>9 or c>9: spaces = 2
x = ”
for row in range(r-1,-1, -1):
x += f'{row:>{spaces}}’
ss = ‘ ‘
if spaces==2: ss = ‘ ‘
for col in range(c):

x += ss+board[row][col]
x += ‘ \n’
x += ‘ ‘ + ‘ ‘*spaces
for col in range(c): x += f'{col:>{spaces}}’+’ ‘
def makeMove(board, player, col):
r = len(board)
for row in range(r):
if board[row][col]!=’·’ and board[row+1][col]==’·’:
board[row+1][col] = player
elif board[row][col]==’·’:
board[row][col] = player
board = createBoard()
player = ‘X’
while True:
move = input( ‘player’+player+’ (col #): ‘)
if move == ‘e’: break
makeMove(board, player, int(move))
if player == ‘X’: player = ‘O’
else: player = ‘X’