Prolog代写AI | COMP3411/9814 Artificial Intelligence Term 1, 2021


COMP3411/9814 Artificial Intelligence Term 1, 2021

Assignment 1 – Prolog and Search

Due: Friday 19 March, 10:00 pm
Marks: 20% of final assessment for COMP3411/9814 Artificial Intelligence

Question 1.1: List Processing

Write a predicate sumsq_even(Numbers, Sum) that sums the squares of only the even numbers in a list of integers.

Sum = 120

Note that it is the element of the list, not its position, that should be tested for oddness. (The example computes 2*2 + (-4)*(-4) + 6*6 + 8*8). Think carefully about how the predicate should behave on the empty list — should it fail or is there a reasonable value that Sum can be bound to?

To decide whether a number is even or odd, you can use the built-in Prolog operator N mod M, which computes the remainder after dividing the whole number N by the whole number M. Thus a number N is even if the goal 0 is N mod 2 succeeds. Remember that arithmetic expressions like X + 1 and N mod M are only evaluated, in Prolog, if they appear after the is operator. So 0 is N mod 2 works, but N mod 2 is 0 doesn’t work.

Question 1.2: List Processing

Eliza was the name of the first “chatbot” written by Joseph Weizenbaum at MIT in the

mid-1960s. It pretended to be a psychiatrist, so that it only had to do simple transformations on the input and turn a statement into a sentence. If a sentence is represented by a list of words, an example of a simple transformation is:

Here, the simple transformation is to put “What makes you say” in the front of the sentence and replace “you” with “i” and “me” with “you”.

Write a Prolog program that takes a sentence in the form of a list and replaces any occurrence:

you → i me → you my → your

and prepends the list [what, makes, you, say] to the transformed list.

Note 1: your predicate MUST be called “eliza1”. Don’t forget the “1”.

Note 2: To prevent trying to print lists that are accidentally too long, SWI Prolog limits the number of elements in a list that it prints. You might see the answer to your query ending with [a, b c | …]. You can force SWI Prolog to print longer lists with the directive

which you can put at the top of your file. max_depth(0) means no limit.

Question 1.3: List Processing

The rules in Question 1.2 work if “you” starts a sentence but won’t make much sense for an example like this:

What would be better is:

Write a predicate eliza2 (don’t forget the “2”) that takes a list of words: [ …, you, <some words>, me, …]

and creates a new list of the form:

[what, makes, you, think, i, <some words>, you]
i.e. skip the words before “you” and after “me”, and insert the words in between “you”

and “me” into the new sentence between “i” and “you”.

Hint: You can use the built-in predicate “append(X, Y, Z)” to do a lot of the work for you. Remember, “append” can be used to split a list, as well as concatenating lists.