Network代写 | CE324 Network Security Assessment

Chapter 0 Introduction

This laboratory accompanies the lecture course CE324 Network Security. The labo- ratory uses three virtual machines (VMs) running on each CSEE laboratory computer. The VMs allow you to have access to a safe environment to investigate computer and network security as they are separate from the main campus network and allow you to easily make changes to them that you can undo. This laboratory will require you to work through a set of tasks, record the outcomes, and finally, be assessed through: two tests (mostly multiple choice questions but also a small number of short answer questions); and, through recording your work in a “log book.” The tests will be based on the work you have done and recorded in your log books.

0.1 Learning outcomes

By the end of the lab exercise you should be able to:

0.2 Assessment

This laboratory work will be assessed by two tests that are mostly multiple choice questionnaires (MCQs), with a few short answer questions, and a final log-book sub- mission.

Log book worth 20% of the laboratory marks. The assessment of this will require you to submit your log-book in the 10th laboratory week.

Tests (mostly MCQ) worth 80% of laboratory marks, first in the 6th week of the lab- oratory schedule and the second in the 10th week of the laboratory schedule (see your timetable). The tests will be “open book” in that you will be able to bring ANY paper reading material into the test, but you will not have access to the lab environment (In practice the only reading material likely to be relevant is your log-book and the laboratory script).


0.3 Lab Timetable

Session University Week

No formal lab, just introduction to the environment 1. Familiarisation, vulnerability scanning and exploit- ing remote hosts
2. The TCP protocol, packet sniffing and the dan- gers of unencrypted protocols
3. Packet filtering firewalls
No new tasks: laboratory staff available to advise ready for test in the 6th week.
Lab test 1 (see your timetable)
4. Circuit and application layer firewalls
5. Network Intrusion Detection
6. DNS, Certificates and Man-in-the-middle attacks Lab test 2 (see your timetable)

The script for each week’s laboratory will become available on the CE324 web site. The laboratory has been timetabled for 2 hours a week where you get demonstrator support. However, you may find that you will need to spend longer laboratory to com- plete the basic tasks. (This is compatible with 20% of the time estimated for a 15 credit module). As the laboratory is designed to match the lecture course content, you may find that spending a bit longer provides the self-study time to learn the lecture material

in more depth. Also, it was designed to be interesting….!