程序代写|CPSC 326: Homework Assignment 5


You are free to use whatever IDE and machine you prefer for this class. However, to complete the assignment, you will need git, g++ (version 11 or higher), cmake, make, the google test framework, and valgrind installed. It can also be useful to have a debugger such as gdb installed as well. Each of these are already installed on the remote development server (ada.gonzaga.edu) provided by the CS Department.

However, you may also install these programs on your own machine, via a virtual machine, running WSL2,or on your own remote server. Note that you will also need a GitHub account for obtaining starter code and for submitting your assignment.


Clone the repository in the directory where you will be working on the assignment (e.g., onto ada or your own machine).

You can verify that your work has been submitted via the GitHub page for your repo.

Homework Submission and Grading. Your homework will be graded using the files you have pushed to your GitHub repository. Thus, you must ensure that all of the files needed to compile and run your code have been successfully pushed to your GitHub repo for the assignment. Note that this also includes your homework writeup. This homework assignment is worth a total of 30 points. The points will be allocated according to the following.

Homework writeups do not need to be long, and instead, should be clear and concise. A score of 0 is given if no writeup is provided, 1 if parts are missing, and 2 if the writeup is satisfactory.