C语言代写|APS 105 Lab #8: Reversi Game-Playing Program


In Lab #7, you developed a program that represents the board of a Reversi game, and that computes,for a given board state, the possible moves for the Black and White player. Your solution also accepts a move as input and flips the tiles accordingly. In this lab, you will build upon your work to create a Reversi game where a human can play against the computer, with the computer making intelligent decisions about where to place its tiles.

The rules of the game were presented in the Lab #7 handout, and are briefly repeated here. Reversi is played on a board that has dimensions n × n, where n is even and ranges from 4 to 26. In the picture below n = 4. The game uses tiles that are white on one side, and black on the other side
(they can be “flipped” over to change their colour). One player plays white; the other player plays black. The picture below shows the initial board configuration, which has two white and two black tiles pre-placed in the centre. Observe that rows and columns are labelled with letters.terial necessary for this lab can be found in the Carter text up to the end of Chapter 6.

The goal of this lab is to write a program that will be used (in Lab 7) as part of a Reversi game, as well as a little bit of the ’thinking’ code that will be used in that lab to have the computer play against a human opponent.

Here is a brief description of the full Reversi game. Reversi is played on a board (like a chess board or a checkers board) that has dimensions n⇥n, where n is even. In the picture below n = 4. The game uses tiles that are white on one side, and black on the other side(they can be “flipped” over to change their colour). One player plays white; the other player plays black. The picture below shows the initial board configuration, which has two white and two black tiles pre-placed in the centre. Observe that rows and columns are labelled with letters

A “turn” consists of a player laying a tile of his/her own colour on a candidate empty board position, subject to the following two rules:

1. There must be a continuous straight line of tile(s) of the opponent’s colour in at least one of the eight directions from the candidate empty position (North, South, East,West, and diagonals).

2. In the position immediately following the continuous straight line mentioned in #1 above, a tile of the player’s colour must already be placed.

After playing a tile at a position that meets the above critera, all of the lines of the opponent’s tiles that meet the criteria above are flipped to the player’s colour.

In the picture below, all of the candidate positions for White’s next move are shown shaded

The turns alternate between the players, unless one player has no available move, in which case the only player with an available move is allowed to continue to make moves until a move becomes available for the opponent. At this point, the opponent is allowed to take a turn and the alternating turns between the players resume. The game ends when either: (1) the entire board is full, or (2) neither player has an available move. The winner of the game is the one with more pieces on the board.

Your program must first ask the user for the board dimensions. Then, the program asks the user if the computer is to be the Black or White player. For this lab, we will assume that the Black player always gets the first move. So, if the computer is black, then the computer should make the first move; otherwise, the program prompts the human player to make the first move. The board is printed after every move.

Once the first move is out of the way, the turns proceed as described above, alternating between Black and White unless one of the players has no move to make, which case your program should print a message “W player has no valid move.” (i.e. for the case of the White player) and should prompt the Black player for another move. After each turn, your program must print the board, and must detect whether the game has been won, or whether there is a draw. If your program detects the game is over (i.e. a win or a draw), a message is printed and the program terminates. The specific messages to print are: “W player wins.”, “B player wins.” or “Draw!”. If the human player makes an illegal move, your program must detect this, print an error message, and end the game,declaring the winner (with the corresponding message above).