C#代写 | IFN564 Project

IFN564 Project

You are hired to develop a software application for a community library to manage its movie
The library has many movie DVDs, some of which are identical. Two movie DVDs are said
to be identical if they have the same movie title. The information about a movie includes
starring, director, duration, genre, classification, and release date in addition to title. The genre
of a movie may be Drama, Adventure, Family, Action, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Animated, Thriller,
or Other. A movie is classified as General (G), Parental Guidance (PG), Mature (M15+), or
Mature Accompanied (MA15+).
When the library receives new movie DVDs, the library staff member needs to add them into
the movie DVD management system. For new movie DVDs, if there exist some movie
DVDs that have the same movie title with the new movie DVDs, the staff member only needs
to update the quantity of the movie DVDs in the movie DVD management system; otherwise,
the staff member needs to enter all the information about the new movie DVDs into the movie
DVD management system.
When a person rents a movie DVD from the library, his/her first name, last name and contact
phone number must be stored in the movie DVD management system and when the person
returns the movie DVD to the library the rental record must be removed from the movie DVD
management system. In addition, when the person rents the movie DVD from, and returns the
movie DVD to, the library, the quantity of the movie DVD in the movie DVD management
system should be updated.
2. The Functional and Non-functional Requirements of the Movie DVD
Management System
The movie DVD management system should meet the following functional and nonfunctional requirements:
CAB301 Algorithms and Complexity Semester 1, 2020
• Displaying all the movie DVDs of a genre selected by the user – the information about
the movie DVDs include the title of the movie and the quantity of the movie DVDs
that are currently in the library, and the movie DVDs should be displayed in
alphabetical order.
• Adding a movie DVD into the movie DVD management system
• Lending a movie DVD in the library to the user
• Returning a movie DVD to the library
• A console/command-line user interface with a functionality menu