AWS代写 | COS20019 Cloud Computing Architecture
COS20019 Cloud Computing Architecture
Assignment 2
Develop a High Availability Photo Album Web Site
To complete this assignment, you will need to have …
This assignment will extend/modify the infrastructure and program you developed in Assignment 1. It has the following additional objectives:
AWS Accounts for Web Site deployment
You have to use the following account to complete this assignment:
COS20019 CAA Assignment 2 v2 1
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology
1. Vocareum account: A Vocareum-managed AWS environment has been created for you by your convenor to complete this assignment. The class will be named Cloud Computing Architcture. This will allow your tutor to gain access to your AWS console so your work can be marked. This class gives you US$100 AWS credit. This account is deleted at the end of semester. If you run out of your credit you can request an extra $25 through AWS educate website. Your tutors can not request that on your behalf.
In your COS20019 assignments, all AWS resources you create (e.g. VPC, EC2 instances, Security groups, RDS database instances, etc.) should have the following additional tags added:
Getting Help
To get help on the assignment do not email the convenor or your tutor. An Assignment 2 Discussion board has been created on Canvas.
Students are encouraged to post both questions and answers to the discussion board. Appropriate help can include identifying errors, suggesting solutions and pointing to appropriate online resources. However, do not post multi-line code solutions to the board. You can attach the code to your post. Tutors will also monitor the board and post responses as appropriate. One Q&A session is offered to help you with this assignment in lab 9 (Feel free to attend any tutorial sessions).
You will set up a VPC with the structure and services as illustrated in the diagram below.
COS20019 CAA Assignment 2 v2 2
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology
Swinburne University of Technology
not implemen
S3 Bucket for photos
The infrastructure you need to develop is illustrated in the diagram above. The following points should be noted:
[FirstNameInitial][LastName]VPC. For example, if your name is Bill Gates your VPC would be
named BGatesVPC.
elb_sg web_tier_sg db_tier_sg
HTTP (80)
HTTP (80), SSH (22) MySQL (3306), SSH (22)
Anywhere elb_sg web_tier_sg
Web pages and Photo Storage
You can reuse the S3 bucket you created in Assignment 1 to store your photos. In this assignment, you will be required to add functionality to the PHP web page (upload.php) you created in Assignment 1A so photos can be uploaded to S3 via PHP. You will need to:
COS20019 CAA Assignment 2 v2 3
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology Swinburne University of Technology
bucket to access an image there.
There are many resources on the web that explain how to upload a file from a web form to a server using PHP. The Assignment Resources in Canvas contains instructions on how to set up the appropriate policies on S3 and how to use the AWS PHP SDK.
Please note: your code and the way you implement it is flexible. You do not have to use PHP SDK.