APP设计代写 | ITECH2000 Mobile Development Fundamentals Assessment Task 1

ITECH2000 Mobile Development Fundamentals
Assessment Task 1 – App Design Report

You need to develop a scenario, a use case diagram, and storyboards/screen designs for an app. You
get to decide the particular purpose of the app based on the instructions in this document.
The following tasks must be completed as part of this assessment:
Task 1 – Decide on a scenario for an app that you will design
You need to consider what type of app you will make. Consider who the typical users would be, and
what they will want to accomplish by using the app.
➔ You need to write a clear description of the scenario. Describe who the expected users of the app
would be. Describe what the app allows them to do, in a couple of sentences (or more if it is an
unusual situation). Explain how the chosen scenario will address the requirements listed below. It
should require at most one A4 page to describe the scenario completely.
The only restrictions on what scenario you can choose are as follows:
• The app should allow the user to input some data in various fields (e.g. text input) which is
stored. The app should also allow the user to update this data at a later stage if they wish.
• The app should allow the user to do something using the data that was previously entered. For
example, if we were designing a dialler app, a list of phone numbers (contacts) could be entered
and one of those contacts could be selected at a later stage to make a phone call.
• The app must have at least 3 different functionalities (possibly more), but do not plan for more
than 5 main functionalities that can be accomplished using the app. At least two functionalities
are covered if you follow the preceding instructions.

• An app for school children visiting the museum, to compete in small groups, in trying to be the
first group to collect photos of specific exhibits from various places around the museum.
You are encouraged to come up with your own scenario but can use one of these scenarios if you are
struggling to think of your own.
Task 2 – Use Case Diagram
Draw a use case diagram, like the one in the week 2 study materials, to summarise the functionality
that the app will offer to the user. These functions should reflect what you have described in Task 1.
Task 3 – Storyboards
a) Develop storyboards for two (2) distinct functionalities that you have described in Task 1,
showing success sequences. You may submit additional storyboards if you like but it is not
b) Show at least one (1) failure or abort sequence for any of the functionalities that were chosen
for a success sequence in part (a).
In developing the storyboards, pay attention to the following:
• Be sure to explain for each screenshot in sequence what the screen is showing to us (in terms
of where it fits in the sequence), and to indicate what it is that the user must do to get to the
next screenshot (e.g. clicking a button).
• Number each screenshot clearly to indicate the sequence order.

Task 1 – Scenario description:
Scenario context has been adequately described, including at least three
(3) distinct functionalities
Scenario and functionality chosen are appropriate for the assignment
Task 2 – Use case diagram:
The use case diagram shows appropriate use cases based on the
description submitted for task 1.
Notations are correct for: use case, user, connections
Task 3 – Storyboards:
Storyboard for functionality 1: The storyboard sequence is complete and
appropriate in showing the stages during the functionality, including the
accompanying description of stages
Storyboard for functionality 2: The storyboard sequence is complete and
appropriate in showing the stages during the functionality, including the
accompanying description of stages
Storyboard for failure sequence: The storyboard sequence is complete
and appropriate in showing the stages during the functionality, including
the accompanying description of stages, and in showing commonality
with the corresponding success sequence.