App开发代写|Assessment Task 2 Individual programming project: BubblePop Game


A client has just hired you to develop a casual iOS game bas sed on an idea he had recently. He has no programming experiences and only knows the overall functions the game must have.You must help him to work out a detailed Graphical User Interface (GUI), design a wellstructured program and implement the program in the Swift programming language. The final product shall be thoroughly tested and ready to be submitted to the App Store.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate competence in the following skills:

The full software development cycle

iOS App UI and program design

iOS UI programming

Effffective use of platform APIs

Program testing

The game is called BubblePop (you can call your app a difffferent name if you wish to). In this game, a number of bubbles are randomly displayed on an iOS device screen. A player pops a bubble by touching the bubble, and every time they pop a bubble they earn a certain number of points. Bubbles come in fifive colours: red, pink, green, blue and black. Each colour corresponds to a specifific number of points and has a specifific probability of appearance (see table 1). All bubbles appear on the screen brieflfly (see core functionality 9). A player needs to pop as many bubbles as possible within a certain timeframe (default to 60 seconds) to get high scores. Note that, if a player pops two or more bubbles of the same colour consecutively, they earn 1.5 times the points for the additional bubbles they pop. Finally, game scores are saved and a high score board is displayed after a game run is fifinished. Figure 1 provides a rough mock up of what the main interface may look like. NOTE: Figure 1 gives you a guide for your GUI, you may design a more sophisticated and more polished GUI for your own work. You will get 1 functionality mark for each functionality item specifified below.

1.A player must be able to enter their name before the start of a game run. (You may load the player’s name from the GameKit API if you wish. This extra work is not required.)

2.A game timer shall be displayed and it must count down continuously in one-second intervals. When the timer reaches zero, the game stops.

3.A score shall be displayed. It shall be zero initially and shall be updated every time the player successfully “pops” a bubble.

4.The default timeframe for a game is 60 seconds, i.e. the game timer starts from 60 seconds and counts down to 0. This number shall be adjustable in the app settings.

5.The maximum number of bubbles displayed on the screen is defaulted to 15, i.e. there shall be between 0 and 15 bubbles shown on the screen at the same time. This number shall be adjustable in the app settings.

6.The app randomly decides how many bubbles (up to the maximum allowed bubble number) shall be displayed on the screen at a time. The bubble colour is decided according to the Probability of Appearance in Table 1.

7.Bubbles shall be displayed at random positions on the screen with the following restrictions:

The entire bubble shall be displayed within the screen. There shall not be any bubble with some parts offff the screen once it has fully appeared.

No two (or more) bubbles shall overlap each other.

8.When a player touches a bubble, the bubble shall be removed from the screen and the corresponding game points shall be added to the overall score. For example, if the green bubble in Figure 1 was touched, it shall disappear and the score shall increase by 5 game points. If two or more bubbles of the same colour are popped in a consecutive sequence,the bubbles after the fifirst one will get 1.5 times their original game points. For example, if two black bubbles were popped one after the other, 25 (10 + 1.5 * 10) shall be added to the total score. Round to the nearest integer if necessary.

9. The app shall refresh bubbles displayed every game second. That is, after every game second, the app shall randomly remove a number of bubbles (do not include the bubbles that have been popped by the player) and replace them with another set of randomly positioned bubbles. There may be more or less bubbles on the screen compared with the previous game second subjected to the restrictions in 5 and 6.

In this case, “random”means chosen by the program, not the user. So you have a lot of discretion in placement of new bubbles and selection of old bubbles.

10.When the game stops, the player’s score shall be saved in a persistent fifile (or database)that contains all players’ names and their highest scores.

11.At the end of the game, a high score board shall be displayed with the names and scores of the highest ranking players. (See Figure 2)

Extended Functionalities (please do not start on these until finishing CFs)

1.In addition to core function 7 and 9, displayed bubbles shall move and go of the screen if they are not removed earlier. Their moving speed shall increase as the game timer counts down. You decide the rate of change with respect to the game timer.

2.Animations of game state transitions. For example,one of:

Flashing count down 3, 2, 1 start at the beginning of play

Bubbles shrinking, growing, or flflying away when removed or tapped

Score changes or combo lengths displayed with animations in response to taps

3.The highest score in the scoreboard shall be displayed during gameplay.

4.Any cool and useful features that you can think of.

Make sure your program works under different iOS devices/simulators (e.g. iPhone4s, iPad etc.) with different screen sizes and orientations.

For core functionality 4 and 5, the game time and the maximum number of bubbles can be set in the app settings. How can you make sure their settings are valid? How can you prevent a user from setting a negative or a very large number for these settings. Think about how to communicate these constraints to the user in a comfortable way.