仿真程序辅导 | CMP-7009A Project

School of Computing Sciences
R.J. Lapeer, S.D. Laycock, 30/09/2019, Version 2
Module: CMP-7009A
Advanced Programming Concepts and Techniques
Assignment: Project
Set by: Rudy J. Lapeer – r.lapeer@uea.ac.uk
Checked by: Stephen D. Laycock
Date set: 30 September 2019
Value: 60%
Date due: Report: Week 1 – Thu 16 January 2020
Demo: Week 12 – Mon 09 December 2019
Returned by: Week 3 (SEM2) – 30 January 2020
Submission: Blackboard
Learning outcomes
To understand different programming language paradigms.
To be able to program in established general-purpose programming languages such
as Java, C++ and C#, as well as learn new languages such as F#.
To understand and be capable of applying the principles of modern software
engineering to develop an industry-grade desktop application.
To develop a software product following the principles of modern day software
engineering and using modern day development platforms and programming
• To develop an industry grade desktop software solution using one or
more programming languages on one or more platforms with (an)
IDE(s) of your choice.
• The UI can be based on higher level platforms or engines such as
wxWidgets, WPF, Unity, SDL, etc. but these should not be the
integral part of the project and should be considered as a supporting
• No standalone web apps or mobile apps or database apps or projects
of which these three are central to the development. However, they can
be used as an add-on to one of the projects described below.
Relationship to formative assessment
Formative assessment is based on weekly laboratory (follow-up) meetings with the
Module Organiser (MO) and an AT (Associate Tutor).

School of Computing Sciences
R.J. Lapeer, S.D. Laycock, 30/09/2019, Version 2
• Report of no more than 4,000 words but no limit on pages. The use of
UML diagrams, pseudo code, explanatory diagrams and figures are
strongly encouraged.
• Source code and executable.
Generic graphics simulator
Create a software platform which can run graphics (e.g. game, simulation, object
rendering) using a variety of different API’s (e.g. OpenGL and DirectX) and/or
Window Managers (e.g. Win32 and X) and/or on different platforms/OS’s (Windows
and Apple OS). The platform should be well engineered, i.e. each of the components
e.g. Window Manager, Graphics Object(s) and/or Scene Graphs, Graphics Engine,
Physics Engine, File loader, etc. should be decoupled from each other and ideally
show multiple levels of abstraction.
Visualisation (or tutorial) software for maths/stats with interpreter
• Maths: Create a software that can be used to visualise functions of two
variables. The software should allow the user to enter particular functions
using a certain syntax which is then processed by a lexer (word level, i.e.
breaking an input string into tokens) and parser (grammatical level, i.e.
interpret the tokens produced by the lexer). Intuitive and interactive
visualisation of functions should be provided. Additional functionality could
include zero crossings, function differentiation and integration. Examples
of maths software are Matlab, Mathematica and Maple (though none of
these are actually ‘tutorials’).
• Stats: Create a software to explain a variety of statistical methods ranging
from very basic, e.g. average, standard deviation to more advanced topics
such as regression, hypothesis testing, Bayesian inference, etc. Examples
of stats software are R, SPSS and SAS.
Dynamic simulation software
The Simulator should be capable of simulating a specific dynamical process but also
suggest improvements to the infrastructure that is part of the process.
• Traffic flow: Simulate the traffic flow in a city (e.g. Norwich) at certain
locations and (algorithmically) suggest improvements of the infrastructure
(road layout, traffic lights, etc.)
• Aircraft boarding: Simulate the boarding of an aircraft using various
strategies (see http://www.vox.com/2014/4/25/5647696/the-way-we-boardairplanes-makes-absolutely-no-sense )
• Evacuation: E.g. in buildings when there is a fire. The software should
suggest improvements to buildings to speed up evacuation.
• Ecology / AI: E.g. Simulating a (finite) number of species in a natural
environment (see for example the bug software) using FSM (Finite State
Machines). Alternatively, this could be a simulation of a human society,
School of Computing Sciences
R.J. Lapeer, S.D. Laycock, 30/09/2019, Version 2
where humans with different occupations and/or personalities interact with
each other.
Programming the NAO robot
Quite open-ended at the moment. Needs a team of strong and adventurous
Computer Game with advanced concepts such as PCG (Procedural Content
Generation), AI (Artificial Intelligence), MoCap (Motion Capture), advanced lighting
and shadowing, …
Own project subject to approval by the teaching staff.
Marking scheme
1. Minimal requirements to obtain a good honours mark (60%):
• A working software product.
• Evidence of adequately using IID (Iterative and Incremental Development –
as opposed to a waterfall approach) or AP (Agile Programming).
• Well-tested and well-documented programming code which does not
contain major bugs (e.g. freeze or crash, unpredictable or incorrect output,
unintentional or inoperative functionality, etc.).
• Implementation of an appropriate (numerical) algorithm.
2. Additional marks for (weight* from 1-4; 4 being the highest):
• Advanced and user-friendly UI (2-3)
• Multi-threaded or parallel implementation (2-4)
• Use of plugins or DLLs (2-4)
• Generic and flexible architecture (i.e. easy to customise or extend; multiplatform without using a specific tool, etc.) (3-4)
• Programming code optimisation in terms of speed and memory usage.
• Advanced software development methods including correct
implementation of design patterns, the use of templates or generics, etc.
• Evidence of good project management (task distribution, time
management, communication) (1-3)
• Use of multiple languages or multiple language paradigms. (4)
• Other (1-4)
A ‘weight’ does not convert directly into an additional mark!
School of Computing Sciences
R.J. Lapeer, S.D. Laycock, 30/09/2019, Version 2
3. Marks are deducted for:
• Flawed architecture, e.g. not flexible, hard-coded, etc.
• Specifications are not met or are incorrectly implemented.
• Major Bug in a main component of the software (with or without crash).
• Poor project management including time management, task distribution
and communication.
4. Guidelines for marks:
< 50 A software product that does not have the essential features as
outlined in Section 1 and/or which has substantial flaws as outlined in Section 3.
50-60 A software product that just about meets the essential specs (Section
1) but with little or no additional features as outlined in Section 2 but has no flaws as
outlined in Section 3.
60-70 A software product that fully meets the essential specs (Section 1) and
may have well-implemented lower-weighted additional features as outlined in
Section 2 and has no flaws as outlined in Section 3.
70-85 A solid software product that meets the essential specs (Section 1) and
has well-implemented higher weighted additional features as outlined in Section 2
and has no flaws as outlined in Section 3.
85+ A stellar software product with all essential features (Section 1) no
flaws (Section 3) and a substantial number of additional high weighted features as
outlined in Section 2 and preferably additional well-implemented features not
specifically mentioned in Section 2.