通信系统代写|Communication Systems Coursework 2


1. The loop filter G(s) in a PLL is implemented with the active filter shown in Figure 1.
Determine the system function G(s) and express the time constants 𝜏! 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜏# in terms
of the circuit parameters.

2.A band-limited signal having bandwidth W can be represented as

a. Determine the spectrum X(f) and plot |X(/)| for the following cases:

5.8 Based on an ML criterion, determine a carrier phase estimation method for binary
keying modulation.

5.9 In the transmission and reception of signals to and from moving vehicles, the tran
&. Plot jc(f) for these two cases.

c. If these signals are used for binary signal transmission, determine the number of
received levels possible at the sampling instants t = nT = n/2W and the probabilities
of occurrence of the received levels. Assume that the binary digits at the transmitter are
equally probable.