软件工艺代写|CSDS 293 Software Craftsmanship Programming Assignment 10
In addition to the following topics, the quiz syllabus includes any
material covered in the lectures:
Grading Guidelines
An automatic C (or less) is triggered by
• Any routine with complexity greater than 4, or by
• Any piece of code that is essentially repeated, or by
• Improperly named routines.
However, a submission that avoids these problems does not
necessarily qualify for high quality craftsmanship.
The rules for comma placement are complex, frustrating, and often
ambiguous. Many people will in practice ignore them, apply custom
rules, or no rules at all. The Devil’s Guide to Comma, recommends
the following stylistic guideline in the use of commas:
For example,
• “Please sit Spot. Sit spot, sit 2. Spot here now here.” is
incorrect because:
o It contains a character “2” which is neither a letter nor
a punctuation mark.
o There is a comma after “spot” in the second sentence
and thus there should be one after “Spot” in the third
sentence (but not after the first sentence).
o There is a comma before the third “sit” in the passage,
but not before the first one. On the other hand, the
second occurrence is correct since “Sit” is the first word
in the second sentence.
• “Please, sit Spot. Sit Spot, sit. Spot, here now here.” is also
incorrect because a comma is missing before the second
• “Please, sit spot. Sit spot, sit. spot, here now, here.” is correct.