计算机网络代写 | manage ict limited time test


1.Outline appropriate consultation and communication techniques and strategies to:

a) Determine project limitations like deadlines

b) Confirm that resources like staff are available

c) Evaluate and report project outcomes

2. Explain one technique that can be used to estimate costs and one technique to analyse the project cost benefit ratio.

3.Describe three different types of communication styles you might come across when managing projects.

4.Describe two interview techniques you could use to help determine and confirm system and client requirements.

5.Describe two ways of communicating project requirements to internal stakeholders.

6.Identify three modelling techniques used to model an information system.

7.A new fashion start-up company requires a new website to sell their latest designs directly to the public. They have the

following needs and requirements:

· It needs to be built quickly

· It will need to look professional with a lot of graphics and imagery

· It will need to include a blog

· It will need a shopping cart and secure e-purchasing capabilities

· It will need to be administrated by their inhouse office staff that have minimal IT experience

List three possible technology solution models and frameworks that will fit the needs of the project.

Describe why that solution or model may be appropriate for this particular project.

Of the three, which would you recommend and why is it the best fit for the project?