计算机网络代写 | CS640 Lab 1: Sockets, Mininet, & Performance

本次加拿大代写是Java socket编程和计算机网络相关的一个Lab

Iperf is a common tool used to measure network bandwidth. You will write your own version of
this tool in Java using sockets. You will then use your tools to measure the performance of
virtual networks in Mininet and explain how link characteristics and multiplexing impact

● Part 1: Write Iperfer
● Part 2: Mininet Tutorial
● Part 3: Measurements in Mininet
● Submission Instructions
● Appendix A: Testing Iperfer in Mininet

After completing this lab, students should be able to:

● Write applications that use sockets to transmit and receive data across a network
● Describe how latency and throughput can be measured
● Explain how latency and throughput are impacted by link characteristics and multiplexing

For the first part of the lab, you will write your own version of iperf to measure network
bandwidth. Your tool, called Iperfer, will send and receive TCP packets between a pair of hosts
using sockets.

● Note: A good resource and a starting point to learn about Java socket programs is the
Java sockets tutorial.

When operating in client mode, Iperfer will send TCP packets to a specific host for a specified
time window and track how much data was sent during that time frame; it will calculate and
display the bandwidth based on how much data was sent in the elapsed time. When operating
in server mode, Iperfer will receive TCP packets and track how much data was received during
the lifetime of a connection; it will calculate and display the bandwidth based on how much data
was received and how much time elapsed between the received first and last byte of data.

To operate Iperfer in client mode, it should be invoked as follows:
java Iperfer -c -h <server hostname> -p <server port> -t <time>

● -c indicates this is the iperf client which should generate data

● server hostname is the hostname or IP address of the iperf server which will
consume data

● server port is the port on which the remote host is waiting to consume data; the port
should be in the range 1024 ≤ server port ≤ 65535

● time is the duration in seconds for which data should be generated

You can use the presence of the -c option to determine if Iperfer should operate in client mode.
If any arguments are missing or additional arguments are given or arguments are given in
wrong order, you should print the following and exit:

● Error: invalid arguments

If the server port argument is less than 1024 or greater than 65535, you should print the
following and exit:

● Error: port number must be in the range 1024 to 65535

On the time and hostname input values, provide input validations that you think are
reasonable. As always, state your assumptions through comments in code.

When running as a client, Iperfer must establish a TCP connection with the server and send
data as quickly as possible for time seconds. Data should be sent in chunks of 1000 bytes and
the data should be all zeros. Keep a running total of the number of bytes sent.

After time seconds have passed, Iperfer must stop sending data and close the connection.

Iperfer must print a one line summary that includes:

● The total number of bytes sent (in kilobytes)
● The rate at which traffic could be sent (in megabits per second (Mbps))

For example:

sent=6543 KB rate=5.234 Mbps

You should assume 1 kilobyte (KB) = 1000 bytes (B) and 1 megabyte (MB) = 1000 KB. As
always, 1 byte (B) = 8 bits (b).

To operate Iperfer in server mode, it should be invoked as follows:

java Iperfer -s -p <listen port>

● -s indicates this is the iperf server which should consume data
● listen port is the port on which the host is waiting to consume data; the port should
be in the range 1024 ≤ listen port ≤ 65535

You can use the presence of the -s option to determine if Iperfer should operate in server

If arguments are missing or additional arguments are provided or arguments are given in wrong
order, you should print the following and exit:

● Error: invalid arguments

If the listen port argument is less than 1024 or greater than 65535, you should print the
following and exit:

● Error: port number must be in the range 1024 to 65535

When running as a server, Iperfer must listen for TCP connections from a client and receive
data as quickly as possible until the client closes the connection. Data should be read in chunks
of 1000 bytes. Keep a running total of the number of bytes received.

After the client has closed the connection, Iperfer must print a one line summary that includes:

● The total number of bytes received (in kilobytes)
● The rate at which traffic could be read (in megabits per second (Mbps))

For example:

● received=6543 KB rate=4.758 Mbps