计算机网络代写 | Assessment TASK


Assessment TASK

You are employed by Virtual Networks as a virtualisation specialist.

One of your clients XYZ GOODS who runs a medium sized datacenter has asked you to prepare a business report following his request to virtualise Share Point Server.

Instructions for Assessment Task Part 1 – Technical Requirements

Task 1 – Create brief feasibility report

Create brief feasibility report describing TWO current virtualisation technologies (vSphere, Hyper-V etc.). Provide at least THREE advantages and THREE disadvantages for EACH virtualisation technology.

Task 2 – Draw a diagram for the newly proposed virtualisation solution

XYZ GOODS currently have TWO physical servers providing Share Point services as shown on the diagram below.

Source: http://sharepoint-tutorial.net

Your task is to virtualise DC and Share Point physical servers with VMware vSphere. Your virtualisation solution will be different to current physical setup since virtualisation technology offers far greater flexibility, efficiency, and productivity. Your virtualised solution will include the following VMs:

Draw a diagram for the newly proposed virtualisation solution. Your diagram should include DETAILED description of BOTH vSphere physical infrastructure (ESXi hosts, Ethernet switches. iSCSI SAN, cabling etc.) and FOUR Guest VMs mentioned above. Demonstrate your diagram to your lecturer for approval and any recommendations BEFORE final report submission.

Task 3 – Hardware and software requirements

List hardware and software requirements for MS Share Point Server deployment.

Task 4 – Cost and technical specifications

Provide cost and technical specifications for: 2x ESXi compatible servers\hosts, 1x iSCSI SAN. You are to choose the relevant hardware from major manufacturers and price it, ensure hardware selected is on vSphere HCL (Hardware Compatibility List). You are to estimate the cost of licensing 4 VMs mentioned in Task 2 including the cost of CALs for up to 100 concurrent client connections.

Task 5 – Share Point Server documentation

Provide a BRIEF list of tasks describing Share Point Server installation. Your list should be no longer than ONE page.