计算机代写|COMP5618 – Applied Cybersecurity S2 2022 Practice Tasks – Mobile CTF


This practice assignment contains two Android reverse engineering and security tasks and each task contains a flag. Your goal is to find all the flags.

Note that finding and reporting only the flags will not give you full marks. You should explain your approach and thought process (e.g. what you tried, what worked, what did not).

Flag format (COMP5618{})

1 Challenge 1

The serial Key is missing.

2 Challenge 2

Play with a little bit of help.

3 Challenge 3

Decompile it twice.

4 Challenge 4

What is the combination?

5 Challenge 5

Salted and hashed.

6 Challenge 6

Can you open it.

7 Challenge 7

Where is the key.

8 Challenge 8

Catch them all.