计算机代写|COMP3811 Coursework 2

1 Submission Instructions

Your submission will consist of source code, a short video (. 2 minutes) and a report (. 5 pages). Submissions are made through Gradescope (do not send your solutions by email!). You can use any of Gradescope’s mechanisms for uploading the complete solution and report. In particular, Gradescope accepts .zip archives (you should see the contents of them when uploading to Gradescope). Do not use other archive formats (Gradescope must be able to unpack them!). The report is the basis for assessment. The source code and the video are supporting evidence for assertions made in the report.

The source code must compile and run as submitted on the standard SoC machines found in the UG teaching lab (2.05 in Bragg). Your code must be based on the code provided for this coursework. You must use the included premake build system (which has also been used in the module’s exercises and assignments). Your code must compile cleanly, i.e., it should not produce any warnings. If there are warnings that you cannot resolve or believe are in error, you must list these in your report and provide an explanation of what the warning means and why it is acceptable in your case. Do not change the warning level defifined in the handed-out code. Disabling individual warnings through various means will still require documenting the warning in the report.

The video must be single fifile called video.mp4 or video.avi. It should use a resolution of 1280 × 720 and H.264 or H.265 compression. It can use either then standard Y’CbCr color space or sRGB (no HDR). The video should be no more than 2 minutes. It should show the tasks that you have completed. Instructions for recording videos in the UG teaching lab will be provided on Minerva. The videos should not use sound / voice overs, as these might be ignored during marking. Use proper screen recording software. Do not use a camera or your phone to fifilm the screen.

The report must be a single PDF fifile called report.pdf. In this report, you must list all tasks that you have attempted and describe your solutions for each task. You may refer to your code in the descriptions, but descriptions that just say “see source code” are not suffificient. Include screenshots from your program where relevant (however, do not include screenshots/images of code – if you wish to include code, make sure it is rendered as text in the PDF using appropriate formatting and layout).

In the end of the report (appendix), include a table that lists each group member’s individual contributions to each of  the completed tasks. Document who wrote what code. Make sure that both group members contribute substantially to the code. If both members worked on a certain feature, include rough proportions.Apply good report writing practices. Structure your report appropriately. Use whole English sentences. Use appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling. Provide fifigure captions to fifigures/screenshots, explaining what the fifigure/screenshot is showing and what the reader should pay attention to. Refer to fifigures from your main text. Cite external references appropriately.

Your submission must not include any “extra” fifiles that are not required to build or run your submission (aside from the report). In particular, you must not include build artifacts (e.g. fifinal binaries, .o fifiles, …), temporary fifiles generated by your IDE or other tools (e.g. .vs directory and contents) or fifiles used by version control(e.g. .git directory and related fifiles). Note that some of these fifiles may be hidden by default, but they are almost always visible when inspecting the archive (.zip or similar). Do not submit unused code (e.g. created for testing). Submitting unnecessary fifiles may result in a deduction of marks.

While you are encouraged to use version control software/source code management software (such as git or subversion), you must not make your solutions publicly available. In particular, if you wish to use Github, you must use a private repository. The two members of your group should be the only users with access to that repository.

Note on plagiarism

You are allowed to discuss ideas with colleagues outside of your group. However do not share code with anybody outside your group. You must program independently and not base your submission on any code other than what has been provided with the coursework and/or in the exercises for COMP3811. As a special exception, you may reuse code from COMP3811 exercises that you are the sole author of.

You are encouraged to research solutions and use third-party resources. If you fifind such, you must provide a reference to them in your report (include information about the source and original author(s)). Never “copypaste” code from elsewhere – all code must be written yourself. If the solution is based on third party code,make sure to indicate this in comments surrounding your implementation in your code, in addition to including a reference in your report. It is expected that you fully understand all code that you hand in as part of your

submission. You may be asked to explain any such code as part of the marking process. This also applies to code written by other members of the group. If deemed necessary, you may be asked to attend a short individual interview with the instructor(s), where you are asked to explain specifific parts of your submission.

If you wish to use a custom third party library, you must clear this with the instructors for COMP3811 in writing well ahead of your submission. You must provide a clear reason for using this library in your request.

Third party libraries may not be used to solve substantial portions of any of the tasks. (Custom third party libraries are likely only necessary for higher bands of grades.)

2 Tasks

Using the provided framework you will create an application that demonstrates the ability to render visual scenes using OpenGL. You must use modern shader-based OpenGL with vertex buffer and array objects.

You are free, within some limits, to create a scene of your choice. Assessment will be based on the technical sophistication of the scene, the scene elements as well as on the possibility for user interaction. The scheme below sets out minimum requirements that must be met for grading in certain bands. Grading within each band is assessed based on: code quality (correctness, clarity, commenting, and effificiency); explanations of design choices and of the implementation in the report; and visual impact.

You must implement a perspective projection that adapts to window size when resized. You must include a fifirst-person style 3D camera with which a user can navigate the scene using the mouse and keyboard (WSAD+EQ to control position, mouse to look around, shift to speed up, and ctrl to slow down). Camera controls must be frame-rate independent. You must implement and use the vector and matrix classes from the base code (see vmlib folder). You must implement diffuse and ambient shading originating from a point light; the point light must be defifined in the CPU code, i.e.., you may not “hardcode” it in the shader(s). The effects of the shading must be perceptible. Your scene must deviate substantially from the simple scenes used in the exercises and demos in COMP3811.

animated object. The animation must be frame-rate independent. The user must be able to control the animation (pause/resume and speed up/slow down) via keyboard interaction. You must include the full (and correct) Blinn-Phong lighting model as presented in the course materials, with at least one point light source. You must have at least one of each of the following in your scene: an object with a mainly diffuse material, an object with a mainly specular material, and an object with an emissive material. (Include screenshots of these in your report and discuss the difference in appearance.)

Make sure that you list each element that you have implemented in your report, and include a screenshot that shows this element as rendered by your application. Each element will be assessed and assigned a score based on its complexity, creativity and quality of implementation. Assessment considers primarily the technical aspects, but some marks may be assigned for particularly creative and/or good-looking results.

70 marks

Wrapping up

Please double-check the requirements in Section 1 and ensure that your submission conforms to these. In particular, pay attention to fifile types (archive format and report format) and ensure that you have not included any unnecessary fifiles in the submission.