网络安全代写 | PPESP Essay 1


10% (i) Define and discuss the concepts of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Avail-

How and why are these concepts used to think about information

How can they be applied to other types of security (e.g., phsyical

15% (ii) Define and discuss declarative objectives and operational tools.

How do these relate to the CIA concepts?

Give examples of two di erent types of businesses, detailing their
security objectives, the operational tools they use, and any trade-o s

15% (iii) Clearly explain the concepts of sustainability and resilience in secu-

Why are these important?

Give examples of actions organisations can take to improve sustain-
ability and resilience.

Marking Scheme

Quality of writing and presentation (15%)

{ Good style: Not informal, clear and direct.
{ Good grammar and spelling.
{ Appropriate length and formatting.

Organization of ideas and document (15%)

{ Ideas and thoughts should be easy to understand.
{ Essays should be well-organized with good structure.
{ Ideas should be presented clearly, in a logical manner.

Essay-specific (40%)

{ Coverage of topic | fully answers the questions.
{ Clear understanding of topic.