网络安全代写|COMP3217 Lab1 – Trusted Platform Module


Welcome to the Trusted Computing Lab, in this lab you will learn about Trusted Platform Modules
(TPMs) and how to use them. In this lab, there are few tasks, which are designed as walkthroughs.
The goal is to push your knowledge and use what you have learned to solve problems and issues
when working with the TPM. TPMs are used in most computing platforms (Servers, Desktops,
..). This laboratory will explore some of the key concepts surrounding trusted computing and key

Many cyber security modules are being run on Discord instead of Microsoft Teams, which allows demon
strators and lecturers a number of tools to engage with students through text and voice chat.

What is Discord? it’s like teams except it has superior audio and video quality, also has a lot of features
that make your learning experience much better. Want to know more? read this article link.

In order to join the laboratory support discord, you will need to sign in and associate a discord account
with your university account.

1. First, you will need to join the University VPN. To do this, go to the following link to download and
install the client for your OS here. Make sure you are connected via VPN before you continue.

2. Make a Discord account at, or make sure you are signed into your existing
account either on the native app or in the web browser.

3. Login to with your university login.

4. Press the lab link to join the virtual lab, and accept the discord invite.

For the laboratory sessions in this module we will be making use of tools.
Vagrant, is a tool which allows virtual machines with specific configurations to be spun up from configu
ration files. In order to use it, you will need to download some software. This tool will ensure that
you have a clean experimental setup every time. It will also help you get up and ready for the lab
in no time, all the tools and data will be inside the vagrant script. All you have to do is run it and

Virtual Box, is a tool that allows you to run virtual machines on your computer and its a pre-requisite for

Git, is a tool that help you do what we call source control. You will be using this to download the new
lab every week.

Please download and install them in this order:

1. Download Virtualbox from
2. Download Vagrant from
3. Download git (Windows) from If you’re running mac or linux, you
should already have this installed.
4. When installing git, make sure you tick the option to “Add to path”, which will allow you to run git
from the terminal.

Once both of these packages have been installed, you should be able to open up a terminal on your
computer (cmd on Windows, Terminal on Mac/Linux) and type vagrant to check it is installed and working.

Listing 1: Verify that vagrant is installed

vagrant -v

If you get an output showing all supported vagrant commands, you are good to move on to the next

Vagrant works by reading configuration files in your current directory and using them to create VMs. Hence,
in order to spin up the VM, you may need to use the cd command in your terminal to change-directory
into the correct folder. Change directory into a working folder from which you wish to complete the labs.

You will need to make it if it doesn’t exist, and then cd into it for example:

cd Documents/comp3217-labs

Download the lab1 VM image from the UoS Git server by typing the following:

git clone

Change into the lab1 folder so we can use vagrant:

cd trusted_computing

You should now be able to run the following command to

vagrant up

If you have the virtualbox window open, you will notice that a new VM appears, and vagrant begins to
build it. It should take a couple of minutes.

When the build process is complete, you can connect to a shell on your newly created VM using the
following command:

vagrant ssh