网站代写 | CETM52 – Database & Web Information Systems Development Assignment 2

CETM52 – Database & Web Information Systems Development
Assignment 2
This assignment contributes 50% to your final module mark.
The following learning outcomes will be assessed:
1. Critical awareness of current problems and insights associated with modern web and database
information systems development.
2. A comprehensive understanding of web and databases system development tools and technologies.
4. Competence in a variety of web and database development languages (e.g. Oracle, PHP) in order to
develop interactive and professional data driven websites
5. Design, specify and implement a database driven web information system using appropriate
methodologies and tools.
6. The ability to apply user experience design techniques to enhance web database information systems
Important Information
You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the University Infringement of Assessment
Regulations (see your Programme Guide). Plagiarism, paraphrasing and downloading large amounts of
information from external sources, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. Although you should
make full use of any source material, which would normally be an occasional sentence and/or paragraph
(referenced) followed by your own critical analysis/ evaluation. You will receive no marks for work that is not
your own. Your work may be subject to checks for originality which can include use of an electronic plagiarism
detection service.
The work must be entirely your own. The safety of your assessments is your responsibility. You must not
permit another student access to your work.
Where referencing is required, unless otherwise stated, the Harvard referencing system must be used (see
your Programme Guide).
Please ensure that you retain a duplicate of your assignment. We are required to send samples of student
work to the external examiners for moderation purposes. It will also safeguard in the unlikely event of your
work going astray.
Submission location and Date and
on Canvas on 15th May 2020 at 23:59
Submission files The following four files must be submitted via Canvas:
• A zip file containing your full website (such as HTML,
PHP, CSS, images etc. page). Name the file as “your”
• An SQL file containing your full database. This should
include the database name, all the tables and sample of
appropriate record for each table. Name the file as
“your name_SQL.sql”
• A short reflective report of one to two side of A4 page.
Name the file as “your name_report.pdf”
• Approximately five minutes screencast demonstrating
the full functionalities of the website. Name the zip file
as “your name_screencast”
System Description
Your task is to construct a website for a fictitious seller of p e t supplies. The site needs to have a
home page and at least five more pages from it (one or more on pet supplies, information about pets,
Useful links, about, contact us). The site also eventually needs facilities to select and purchase pet
supplies (simulated).
Your site must comply with the university’s Acceptable Use Policy for Computing (available at the URL
given below). It is important that your site is well designed and usable. The opening page should
show your name and studentID number and have a clear disclaimer that clearly states that this site is
part of a student assignment and is not a commercial site offering merchandise for sale. There should
be a button that allows the user to enter the actual site and for those visitors who recognise that this
is what they were looking for a link to take them to Google. To complete this work you will need to
undertake some research on the chosen topic. You may look at some competitors sites such as Zooplus,
Petshop and Petplanet for inspiration and also to learn what are good and bad features of these sites.
The textual content of your site as displayed over the web MUST be in your own words and not be
copied from other sources though you may use product pictures for illustration purposes. You must
provide references for the material you have used on your site and the report you have to produce
about it.
It will be your task to design and construct the system using only the technologies and
programming languages you have been taught in this module (e.g., HT ML, CSS, PHP,
JavaScript etc.). You should write a short reflective report critically evaluating your website. You should
discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your website in terms of design, usability, accessibility, functionality
etc. You are expected to identify other evaluation criteria and explain why you selected these criteria to
evaluate your system against.
You should develop a dynamic website (i.e., Information displayed on the website are extracted for a
database or other sources instead of hard coding in the HTML elements):
• that is composed of several pages;
• that makes good use of XHTML and CSS to develop a consistent and maintainable i n t e r f a c e
f o r t h e site through external stylesheets;
• that has page layouts suitably and consistently partitioned with header and footer, sidebar for
navigation and main pane for content;
• that follows good usability and accessibility principles;
• that has a suitable customer enquiry form in the Contact Us section where the visitor can make
enquiries (no response required other than a thank you message and that the customer will
be contacted in the next 24 hours to receive a reply when the form is submitted).
The desired solution should functionally include the following features:
1. Products and product details have to be stored in a database and are retrieved from there to be
displayed on the screen.
2. The site needs to support online ordering and therefore needs a shopping cart that allows
customers to select products and place orders. As no payment facility is available the orders will
receive an order number and a confirmation to be shown on-screen and sent to the customer
(preferably by email) which customers can take off-line to use to initiate a bank transfer. Though
no payment facility should be provided.
3. There needs to be a facility to make enquiries and for these to be forwarded as an email to the
person dealing with enquiries.
4. An advanced solution may include a facility for customers to register themselves on the website
so that they can view their orders.
5. An advanced facility may also have the capability for an administrator to manage the catalogue
and orders and users.
Minimum requirements
Whatever system you decide to design and build you should ensure that at the very least that:
1. it is a dynamic, interactive, multi-user system where some users have to log in and where the
functionalities are appropriate to their role;
2. it incorporates a MySQL or Oracle database system and enables the persistent storage of
information from one interaction to the next;
3. it uses PHP to interface with the database system, thus providing a dynamic web based system;
4. the functionality presented works without major errors.
Please note that you are awarded marks for the quality and functionality of your system as well as for the
report that accompanies your application.
1. You must make your application source code
2. A single SQL file containing your full database.
3. You must submit a written reflective report covering the following:
• A title page showing your name, student number.
• A detailed critical evaluation of having used PHP and Oracle or MySQL etc. as compared
to other major technologies
• A critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the website functionality, usability,
accessibility and other evaluation criteria you wish to discuss
• Yo ur repo r t length s h o uld betwee n o ne to t wo pages o f o ne s ide d A4 page .
4. A screencast demonstrating the full functionalities and features of your website. The screencast
should between 5 to 10 minutes. You should show elements of your website source code where
database connection and interaction is taken place.
Note: Name the submission files as stated in the submission requirements table in the Important
Information page
Marks for your system and your report will be awarded as follows:
Web Site consistent look and feel 10%
Use of PHP , HTML and CSS 20%
Web Site functionality 20%
Database Design 10%
screencast 10%
Quality and extensive critical evaluation of tools and technologies 10%
Detailed critical evaluation of system 10%
Quality of presentation and commenting of formatted system code 10%
This is an online submission and therefore DO NOT submit paper reports, only use the online facility
supplied to you at canvas. You can submit repeatedly to fix any problems with your report and the copy
in the system at the time of the deadline will be considered to be your submission and will be marked.
Marking and feedback is also handled online and you will be able to see your result and feedback at the
same location once marking is completed and you have been informed to that effect by your module
Failure to provide the required files and screencast for the working online system will result in failing
the assessment. One account MUST be created for the administrator with username “admin” and a
password of “admin” and if there is a facility for customers to create themselves accounts there should
be userids customer1, customer2 etc., and passwords the same as the login name. You should populate
your system with some sample data to let the marker appreciate fully its functionality.